by all accounts it was a well received event, but i'll leave the report of the race to the participants.
8 riders showed up for the race: penner, james f, aiden, darryl, jon , john, juan and chris. times and placements were as follows:
james f: 56:30 (+2:00 minute penalty) = 58:30
aiden e: 58:10 (+2:00 minute penalty) = 1:00:10
darryl: 1:00:08 (+2:00 minute penalty) = 1:02:08
jon g: 1:05:09 (+2:00 minute penalty) = 1:07:09
john k: 1:05:12 (+2:00 minute penalty) = 1:07:12
juan e: 1:05:30 (+6:00 minute penalty) = 1:11:30
chris h: 1:10:10 (-12:00 minute bonus) = 58:10: (winner)
penner: DQ
1st place - chris h: bottle of wine and $20
2nd place - james f: loaf of velo artisan bread
last place - juan e: loaf of velo artisan bread
1/2 of collected entry fee - penner: $20
here is the manifest the particpants had to complete:
1. Pick up package from Geez Magazine Headquarters; instructions for delivery location will be on package.
(the package was an empty six, which they had to deliver to the Fox and Hound beer vendor for $.60 and verification card)
2. Globe Theater (Portage Place) – Who is the director/producer of the movie U-Carmen e-Khayelitsha?
answer: Mark Donford-May
3. City Hall – What does the red plaque on the South East corner of City Hall commemorate?
answer: Winnipeg General Strike
4. What is the make of the bike hanging on the wood-fired brick oven at Velo Artisan Bread (293 Carpathia)?
answer: CCM
5. St Boniface Basillica – Find Louis Reil’s gravestone; what is the exact date of his death?
answer: November 16, 1885
6. Exchange – What company occupies room 706 of the Silpit Building (70 Arthur St)?
answer: Sofa Logic
7. Osborne Village – What is the phone number of the Medical Clinic located at 478 River Avenue?
answer: 453-4310
8. St. Boniface Hospital – What is the name of the Research Centre building?
answer: G Campbell MacLean Building
9. Forks – What are the hours of operation for the Explore Manitoba Centre?
answer: 10-6
10. Finish – Fox and Hound
2:00 minute penalty for every mistake on your manifest; more than 4 mistakes disqualifies you from the race.
11. BONUS RUN (-12:00 minutes): Go to Kenaston Wine Market, ask for AJ and get his middle name (1855 Grant).
answer: Kampeas