Monday, July 24, 2006

bike and swim

A while back I talked about a family day at Grand Beach – biking for those who wanted to bike and a day at the beach for others; seems like biking at Grand Beach is out for now. Word is that all back country travel in Provincial Parks is out until we get some rain, including any biking on the trails (Paddy and his crew were turned away at Grand Beach this last weekend). Another option would be Morden which has a fine beach and some good bike trails. What weekend and day would suit people best?

Also, Crash is dead; long live Alberto.


El Presidente said...

Yo Alberto,

Let us folks in 'Tona town know when its Morden if it is. Biking and beaching could always be followed by beer and BBQ.

g said...

The talk last night was that we would attempt Sunday as a riding and beach day in Morden.