Good times, as always. After coffee at the Junk-shon, we got the post-Christmas lead out with a short 10 lap race around the Forks Market. The start was a little messy with crashes, crooked handlebars, navigational malfunctions, and all manner of mayhem. But eventually things got sorted out. There were a few near misses courtesy of an ice patch on the corner leading to the ramp behind Muddy Waters Smokehouse. But everyone managed to stay upright. The Secretary and the Saskatchewan chapter were there to spectate. They also took some impressively artsy photos.

Jonny G
After two races, the series standings are as follows:
Chris 20
Craig 18
Graham 14
Kevin 13
Thomas 12
Luke 8
Patrick 5
Jonny G 4
At the klubhaus, we were joined by Philly, the Chaplain. We explained to him the accidental beauty of the Tuesday Night Ride and general FGBC awesomeness. He didn't seem to get it. Fortunately, the Saskatchewan chapter stepped in to save the day. Just as things were getting awkward, he entertained us with tales of his dugout fly fishing exploits and other assorted oddities. He and the Secretary also provided a brief history of our association with the F&H. We are going on 13 years now. We collectively wondered where in Winnipeg we might find a place to buy a pair of Rock & Republic jeans so that we can lend out support the Honorary Captain's new racing ventures. The tunes were decent, highlighted by Eruption. The bartenders apparently did not appreciate it as much as we did. The station was changed before Eddie was able to finish his work. But at least they let us stay past closing to watch the #1 sports blooper of the decade.
1 comment:
I'm glad I missed such disrespect for Edward.
The show was awesome. You're all sad you missed it.
I woke up dreaming that I came late to East Indian Company and the owner gave me a tour of a buffet and I ate a samosa on the tour and was instantly full, unable to eat any more.
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