It all begins in just over three hours. For those of us racing, it is far too exciting to sleep. For those following along from the comforts of home, you may well be treated to a special race. Early indications suggest that the competition is wide open this year. The defending champ is still smarting a bit from his recent knee injury. Gianni is the only other person ever to win this race. But he will not be there this year, so the target on the Dark Lord's back is getting too big to miss. JP had fire in his eyes when he caught a glimpse of that target at the klubhaus on Tuesday. The Cricket got his birthday celebrations out of the way and won't be leaving us early this year. He was in contention when he left us last year without a word, just as the darkness was starting to take hold of the night. And we all know how much KK hates to lose. Especially to the Dark Side. Tom K will keep chugging along and could surprise. One of these days Jonny G will stop smiling and discover the killer we all know lurks inside of him. Maybe Dallas will run his way to the title. And with all the darkness lurking around the poosher's palace, there may well be another overlooked dark horse who will run away with the win.
Bring on the chips.
Speaking of horses and racing, not to mention chips, make sure to take some time to enjoy this sweet offering from the Hold Steady.
We will do our best to provide updates for the homebound from time to time. Needless to say, you will not enjoy the race in the same way that we will. But feel free to feed vicariously off of it for a while. We all know that vicarious racing is sometimes more fun than the real thing.
Looking forward to the updates, saturday commitments preclude participation......Cheering for KK and Brad RRR representers!
Hmmm.. nice vid... of course... hmmm.
I was just on Lyndale and may have seen a couple lone sloths (they looked lost and dazed which is what I would expect at this point) although I did expect sloths to travel in packs. Perhaps the flicks are looking mighty enticing by now?
How's it all going out there in the wild blue (and by blue I mean white) yonder?
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