Friday, June 29, 2012

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

But it will make an appearance on the Dark Side's blog.

Patrick Leaman, one of our vicarious racers from the Honorary Captain's neck of the woods, has scored us a second pair of socks to be added to the prize pool. These socks come courtesy of Revolution Wheelworks. They are known more for their kick-ass wheels than their socks. But the socks are more in keeping with the other prizes we have lined up for the 2012 FGBC TdF Pool. Make sure to click on the link to check them out. And the next time you're looking for a wheelset, it would be a good idea to keep them in mind.

The socks will go to the highest American finisher in the pool.

Thanks guys!


patrickleaman said...

Ha! I am a racer? What is that line about your heart rate being more than your power output? Well I didn't come up with that but it sure describes me! I start slow and taper off!

The Dark Lord said...

Notice it says vicarious racer. That's what we call these pools.

Adam said...

Do local Americans count, or just those resident in the States?

The Dark Lord said...

Stupid lawyers.