We will start by checking in on the Pinedale Project. After that, we'll see where the bike fairy takes us.
9:30 at my place.
If anyone is looking for something to do earlier in the evening, some of the RRR guys are heading to Bur Oak for a little trail maintenance ahead of tomorrow's race. I can't make it. Kid duty. But it would be a nice if some FGBC'ers would show up to help.
The bike fairy is a significant improvement on last week's picture.
I'd follow that bike fairy anywhere. I think she'd make a good HC for RRR...after Farrah, or course.
you can't have both the bike fairy and Farrah.
hey, does anyone know where some trails around swan river are? I'm going for the weekend and would love to ride a bit... let me know...
Thunder Mountain. 20 or so min. west of town.
nice. thanks much. have a good ride tonight.
When are you back? We need you. Those RRR guys don't show any signs of giving up.
I know, I'm a little anxious to get back myself. We seem to be a little out numbered as of late. I'm back in Winnipeg tomorrow night (not til after the race unfortunately), but we're going strait to Swan for the weekend. So, I'll be back next week, ready to race.
craig, let the bike fairy guide you... as I, myself shall be guided...
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