Sweet ride. Dry and warm. Just Jonny G, Craig, Thomas, Graham, and me. We began by heading over to the poosher's palace for an attempted intervention. We were unsuccessful. He was sick. Too sick to ride. But he did muster up the energy to host us for a brief visit.
Shortly thereafter, Graham's run of bad luck began. It started with one of his pedals. Not only did it break. His attempt to right the problem by standing up and applying the full force of his body on it did not achieve the desired result. It came completely disengaged from its crankarm. Permanently. So Graham pedalled one-legged, yet still smiling, as we headed south to Kingston Row and BDI before stopping in at his place to pick up a spare bike.

He impressed us with his ability to get ready while entertaining us with tales of late night encounters with strange characters from the Corydon Ave patio scene. Tires pumped up, everything looked good. But then, after returning the aforementioned gimpy bike to the garage, he stepped on a rake and drilled himself in the face. After which, he proceeded to slip and fall down the stairs.

Things got better after that, at least for Graham. We made it to the klubhaus, where Juan Eppstein was waiting to share the good news that the Spring Ride accomodations at the chalet have been confirmed. Bill and Vic showed up a little later. At our end of the table, Bill and Juan treated us to an enlightening discussion of all things engineering. We also spent some time planing the relay teams for tonight's roller racing finale. We will have at least two teams. But a third would be nice. That would allow us to sweep the podium.
The tunes were dialed in to the 90s again. The run of consecutive Tuesdays with VH we experienced earlier in the year has been matched by a Weezer streak. I think we're up to three weeks in a row now. It could be worse. But it could also be a lot better.
On our way back from the klubhaus, Graham's run of bad luck was transferred to Thomas. He had a flat tire. Fortunately for him, some of the rest of us were prepared for such an eventuality, and he was spared a long, lonely, and late walk back home.

The best thing of all is that we get to do it all over again tonight. 8pm at the alternate klubhaus.
I miss riding on Tuesdays. Stupid class.
Unrelated to Yesterday or tonight...but still noteworthy
Contact with the GM for FGBC (Fort Garry Brewing Co) has been made! Good thing for us said person is now OREST!
Have tentative meeting March 25 (phone or person) regarding....what is it we want in terms of 24hours of Falcon.
Rake to the head? Classic.
Sorry Graham, but that's pretty funny. I've had my share of bad TNR bad luck, so I'm allowed to laugh.
Graham, what the heck? Our dad tells a story where he was running around the yard with a friend barefoot when the friend stepped on the end of a rake and it went right through his foot, so appearanty Graham's evening could have been worse.
Anyone riding from Wolseley/West Broadway to the Belgium Club?
wv: monnes
I will be riding, but will be a little late. I can't leave until 8:15 or so.
Meet at my place (199 Furby) at 8:20 tonight to head to the BC
I will see you guys at Thomas's at 8:20
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