Sunday, May 09, 2010

Leading by Example

That's what Brad the Impaler is doing. He submitted his team for the 2010 FGBC Giro d'Italia Pool in a timely fashion. The President? Not so much. Nice.

No teams from Halberto, David S, and Paddy. That's a first for each of them, I believe. A changing of the guard in vicarious racing land. And some other big time Challenge participants passed on the opportunity to contribute to their team's efforts. No Fraggle, Charlene, or Larry? We were led to believe that Michelle and Artur were going to make their vicarious racing debuts. They did not. But Josh G did. And so did Queen Val. Welcome aboard. Jonny N is back in the pool. That is nice. He looks so hot in those pink speedos.

Teams here. Look them over.

It will take a little while to get everything else set up. Be patient.


penner said...
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Mountain Bike Chair said...

missed the deadline - my vicarious will be doubly so now.


PaddyH said...
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PaddyH said...

I heard registration went up to 40 bucks the day before and there was no way to fax my team in....