July 27, 2010 will long be remembered as a dark, dark night in the history of the FGBC. Or rather, it will be remembered as the night the darkness went missing. Something about some daytime manager striking a deal with a big national distributor or something stupid like that. And all of a sudden our sweet nectar was gone. Gone! As you can imagine, this did not go over so well. The Secretary immediately began to convulse. And some rushed the bar to voice their displeasure. Of course, our servers, Malorie and Lisa, were on our side. They always are. In fact, it seemed they'd been waiting to witness the fireworks themselves. Lisa was so excited she shared a long story about her experience spending a night in jail in White Rock. At any rate, they called on Mike, the night manager, to come speak to us. They said he was a pushover and that he'd been worked over by the daytime manager. They thought we would be able to bring him back over to the dark side. They were right. He assured us that this was all a little misunderstanding and that order would soon be restored. We smiled and shook hands. But Mike, if you are reading this, know that we are watching. Don't screw it up. We are a loyal bunch and we expect loyalty in return.

After all that polemica, it's amazing we were able to settle ourselves down enough to talk about the upcoming cx season and how awesome it is going to be. We also kicked off the new jersey order and debriefed the Big Idea and 24FR. In the end, it turned out alright.
The ride was good too. Despite Gianni getting struck in the neck by a wayward bat and the Secretary going down on a corner in the Forest gravel. We were honored to share the ride with Paul B of the ABES. And we practiced our cx skillz on a section of road that was taken out. They are quite rusty.

The people's voice has been heard. The President received calls at home and work today from the Klubhaus assuring that things will be put to rights.
Are you kidding me? Paul B. showed up for your ride? He barely makes it out to our rides!
Further to the discussion about UCI rules applying to cross races: according to the decision made by the Road committee at the scheduling meeting, the restrictions (no mtb bikes, although disc brakes are now allowed) will apply this season only to the A races, with a view to evaluating whether to extend it to the other categories for next year. So you can ride your 29er, Vic.
That is good to hear. It sounded like we were once again about to quash what little momentum we have managed to build up in this small little scene of ours.
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