Juan began the night with the revelation that his beloved Rockhopper, a veteran of 12 Winnipeg winters, is all but rusted out.
Some day soon, Juan will walk it out to the pasture. And he will come back to the klubhaus all alone. Lamentations will be uttered. But life will continue to churn along, one turn of the crank after another. We are not there just yet, though. Juan bypassed portions of the monkey trails. But the Rockhopper did survive the ride through Sturgeon Creek to Vimy Arena.
Hummelt Hockey provided an opportunity to forget about the impending sorrow. But Juan's trip back to the klubhaus did not come to fruition. Either his combination lock somehow reset itself or Juan forgot the combination. Either way, it was not to be unlocked.
He sent us on our way and made an emergency call to Mrs. Eppstein. It took her two attempts due to Juan's inability to provide accurate directions, but eventually she was able to find the arena. Two hits of the hammer was sufficient to open the lock. And Juan was able to join us at the klubhaus to listen to some classic 80s tunes and talk about how awesome the Manitoba Grand Prix of Cyclocross is going to be.
That is two consecutive weeks of misfortune for Juan Eppstein. Apparently that's what happens when you don't follow through on your obligation to host the fall dogfest.
Scorn. An essential element of the TNR report.
Scorn. It makes the world go round.
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