In honour of the noble tradition of six day bicycle racing, and in light of the fact that we are heading into the heart of six day season, we will do a race based on the number six. But not so much six days as six hours. That will be plenty.
Just so we're all clear about what we're getting ourselves into, the race will be taking place at the same time as the windup party is happening. We are not racing first and then following that up with a party, but doing both at once. At least in theory. Are we to expect that there will actually be at least one person for each team riding for the whole six hours? That is not likely. But we will shall see. The Fraggle will be there, and we all know how much she hates to give in. Are we to expect that everyone would be out at Vimy Ridge any time there is at least one person racing? No. There is a dogfest and other good times to be had back at the windup HQ. We will no doubt start out with everyone at the racing portion of the event. There will be cowbells, cheering, and heckling. Maybe even a fastest first lap prime. Or a first team to 50 lap prize. But eventually people will drift back to the windup HQ. Some might head back out to do more laps. Others probably will not. Hopefully nobody will be forced to race any more or less than they want. We are exactly what we are. The only condition is that everyone must do at least one lap. And there is also a cap on laps that prevents any one racer from doing more than 10 consecutive laps at one time. Once you've done ten laps, someone else has to take over. Or you must come back to the HQ for a dog or some Little Scrapper. In some ways, this is not unlike the our annual 24 Hour race, or the FGBC - RRR FGD Challenge itself. Some will do more riding. Some will do less. But in the end, everyone will go away happy. Except, of course, the losers.
It would be very nice if everyone who contributed to the challenge could contribute to the final showdown. Of course, some are in Saudi Arabia. But we hope all those who are within reasonable distance will at least make an appearance.
Bring dogs and buns, drinks, chairs, and any other party fare that might tickle your fancy (e.g., chips for Unger). It looks like the chili is taken care of. There is no need to bring a bike. We're doing this Little 500 style.
Any questions? No? Good. See you Saturday.
Brother Mike is working on getting a keg of Little Scrapper. TBC.
I would like to throw in an Olympia challenge .
Since nobody wants to include our little club I think I'll invite us by throwing it out there. Olympia will add to the washing machine mess by putting in a team ( or maybe myself if nobody shows up) and will giver for 6 hours. I'll throw in 3 cases of fort Garry dark and race for the other two that were already in the weekend wrap up challenge. the winner takes all.
If accepted I'll make good on my word.
now all I need is some willing teammates.
Colin can you hear me?
Dallas " the weekend could be the death stars last race for this sith lord." Sigurdur
Oh and in a total act of dominance Olympia will be allowed to put 1 store sticker on each of the other riders bikes if we win.
I may have to drive back for this...
Sounds good Dallas,
I think 6 pack could also be included in the number six. (not six pack abs- in case you were wondering)
Maybe 6 speed bike should also be involved.
wv: dringht
I would like to ask all Olympia riders to stop calling my house to ask to be the team. I appreciate all the interest but we have all the riders we need.
here is the roster....
Dallas Sigurdur
that is all.
Dallas " I'm gonna get more riders out for this event then any other this year and that's a fact." Sigurdur
Oh and Paddy, it would cost you like $5 in gas to get here and back so I expect to see you.
haha, I'll be kicking it old school in the blue and orange if I do...
ps-if y'all don't want ass cancer donate to Paddy H on the movember site, thanks.
Dallas, let's face it. You really are an FGBC'er. More of an FGBC'er, perhaps, than many in the FGBC. That is obvious. And yet you have decided to keep flying the Olympia flag so as not to forgo all the sweet deals they give you. We can appreciate that. We are exactly what we are. And you are too. The rest of you, however, are not. This much is also obvious. So Dallas can race. And he can do so in orange and blue. But only the old school version. That crappy new jersey is a disgrace. And not only because the orange isn't even orange.
Somehow I think the most fitting conclusion to the Challenge would be if Dallas ended up winning the whole thing and took home all five cases of FGD. There is that one small matter of the 10 consecutive lap maximun. But I'm sure we can sort that out.
actually I just wanted to buy my way into the party:)
Now all I need to do is get Ian to invite me over to make some soup for the pot luck during the event.
Dallas "I miss flight of the conchords." Sigurdur
I think this might be the first time in the history of the world that someone was interested in crashing a party thrown by a bunch of Mennos.
Don't forget your Giro tapes. And if you have Stage 17 (you know which one I'm talking about), bring that too.
Did I say "tapes"? I meant eight tracks.
crashing a menno party... that is hilarious. the REAL orange and blue club menno club would never stoop so low as to crash a party. (unless there was going to be faspa, cause the Tinker boys love fresh buns!)
have fun guys!
" dr.h said...
I think this might be the first time in the history of the world that someone was interested in crashing a party thrown by a bunch of Mennos."
On October 31, of this year my roommates and I decided to host an all hallows eve festive gathering and someone called the cops on us not once, but twice. Considering the fact that I, along with four of my five roommates are Mennos, this is at least the second time that our faspa has been fouled.
Try to keep it at a low rubmle the next time you kick off faspa with the Ddoxology, Thomas.
edit - "rumble"
Mike has the keg of Lil' Scrapper riding shotgun with him. Hopefully there'll still be some left for us on Saturday.
Glorious stage 17 will be there along with all it's brothers. I can also bring overcoming for those poor few who have never seen it.
Now I have to go and ask Scott at Olympia for 30 stickers for some frames.
Dallas "where the "F" is my name on the transiowa start list!!!!!" Sigurdur
Little scrapper is cooling now- mmm, hope there is some left for tomorrow nite. I did find out that the brewery is open saturdays, so worse case scenario I can always stop by there and return the empty for a refill.
Dallas is so gonna hurt- me too if I finish the keg tonite by myself.
What is the true measure of my self-worth if not to stand with my brother in arms in his greatest moment of need? There is no “I” in team Dallas. You need me my friend and I will be there for "you". You are a ‘sprinter’ and I am a ‘Super Domestique’. Like Lucien Aimar and Jacques Anquetil in the 1996 TDF, I will drag your sorry ass to the line. You will be my lieutenant, and I your dog soldier pushing a side the wind, hunting down riders who would dare challenge your superiority. You may tuck inside the shelter of my wheel, and I will lay the ground work for your historic moment, fetching bottles and beer from the team car (?), shielding you from the jealous White and Dark side opponents, sacrifice my bike when need, or dropping back to pull your sorry ass until you reclaim your rightful position as leader. I will refuse personal glory and offer only personal sacrifice to protect you as my leader. I ‘gregario’ will put myself in the break when required thereby forcing the leaders to chase. Since you are by nature a sprinter I ‘knecht’ will be your lead out man in the last hundred meters. I am your ‘servant’ and will set a horrid pace, and thwart attacker like flies until one-by-one we will wear out the all challengers.
That is just wierd.
I think somebody needs to watch 'Breaking Away' again. Or maybe for the first time.
Ok Mr. Party-pooper this “Cutter” will go fun a run.
if the 1200km drive home didn't scare me straight about driving back East early Sat am, some of the last couple of posts have...
have fun folks, and enjoy your summer weather, I'm sending winter your way soon.
I got myself off primary standby duties this weekend and I've got a brand-new wool FGBC jersey that needs breaking in!
Where exactly are we meeting?
Dallas - you rock crazy dude!
Paddy - check - donate - no ass cancer - wilco!
Mennos & parties ... ya can't fool me - verenika, rollkuchen, watermelon and beer always go good together!!!
At the usual TNR meeting place. The home of the Dark Lord himself.
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