It was a fairly relaxed ride. I think Halberto set a new record for the briefest TNR appearance. He showed up at the TNR HQ (with a new bike) and rode to the end of the block before bidding us farewell and heading for home. Strange behaviour. We are still trying to make sense of it all. Tristan and Luc led the way from there. They took us along the river trail to the Forks. We noted the potential for several sweet cx courses along the way. Whether on or off the grid, there will be some racing there in the near future. From the Forks, we were headed in the direction of Whittier, but got sucked in by the infinity track. After riding around for a while, Cousin Thomas produced a bottle of his mom's Riesling and led a toast in honour of Luke's new progeny.
Back at the klubhaus, we talked a bit about an event that would serve as a fitting windup for The Challenge. The details are still being sorted out, but there will be a team race of some kind that will allow the FGBC and RRR to go head-to-head one last time. And it will be double or nothing. A second case of FGD is on the line and the winning team takes it all. It will take place on Nov. 21. Get out the sharpie and put it on the calendar now.
We also spent some time discussing this summer's Big Event. It is all coming together nicely. The FGBC is committed. So is RRR. And the Birch Club is back in business for this one. All we can say at this point is that it will be awesome. An official announcement, along with all the relevant details, is coming soon.
actually i was on my way home from work when I stopped at the HQ. thought i might join the ride but when i got to the end of the block realized i was not ready for a late night so left at that poing
point not poing
ANOTHER new bike?
as my dad always said about the local farmers who bought new Chevy trucks EVERY year, "he's still looking for a good one I guess."
Hey Hal, if you ever need to cull the herd, I know this tall gangly guy who rides the same size frame as you...
used bike, a used bike. it is a winter bike/boat anchor that i bought off of steve hjorleifson. i'll admit that i have a bit of a bike buying habit...but this is not really that noteworthy.
Welcome back at it KK! Couldn't make it out to raise a pint in toast to ya, but here's to you and the 'Black Beauty' ... you did put her out to pasture now didn't ya say!?
New or used, a 'new to you' bike is always sweet and it's not a habit, but just the nature of our 'noble' pursuit!
"The bicycle is the noblest invention of mankind." ~William Saroyan
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