The Cricket is not a Living Legend. But if you hang around with champions long enough, the mojo is bound to rub off. On those cold winter Tuesday Nights a few years back, when it was just Craig, Jonny G and I who were brave enough to venture out for a ride, we would distract him from how cold he was by regaling him stories that recounted all the great exploits of the Legends over the years. All this in an attempt to lay the initial groundwork of a long-term plan whose goal was to transform our quiet little friend into a champion. It worked. He took home the gold medal in the Elite race.

As for the race itself, it was another highlight in a season full of highlights. There was mud and sand. There was a hockey rink ride-through featuring grass so soft it felt like you were riding on a wet sponge. There were some challenging climbs. And, of course, there was the whorl. Good times. Thanks to KK and Dave B for the photos. More photos, and some video of the whorl, are available at the Training Co-op.

That mud was deep. And cold.

And apparently also disorienting.

The Fraggle and Michelle finally had an opportunity to go head-to-head. The Fraggle took the early lead, but Michelle prevailed in the end.

Unger and the Impaler found themselves side-by-side for a time. Whereupon Unger shared some stories from his glory days with the Legends.

Need. More. Oxygen.

Fortunately the Cricket has some hops. Those barriers were almost knee-high for him.

Jonny dominated the Whorl on his way to a bronze medal.

Congrats to all the Oly and FGBC'rs
Glad to see the the old guard out(Lindsay), reminds Naom's & I that we have(at least)30 more yrs of racing in us, and that is rad.
By my count, a good half dozen no shows, Halloween hangovers perhaps?
It cannot be done.......
Ya you heard me this years cross racing series cannot be beaten in this province. It is the pinnacle of perfection and I'm proud to say I was a part of the carnage.
Great courses with very distinct vibes, racers galore, super fans to humble even the biggest egos, great weather to allow the princesses to ride and of course the friendliest group of people anywhere.
It cannot be beaten.
I would also like to add that the Death star lived up to it's billing. It looked super cool, hand three mechanics build it plus a hack, it's owner was a dreamer and it was destroyed when it was needed most. Oh and it was undone by people who lacked Any evil karma in there bodies.
Now lets all look forward to the last kick at the cat this weekend when we will be blowing the year out with a projected +10 race day high.
Dallas " Darth Grindus "Sigurdur
Well done lads - and fraggle - well done.
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