The regular season kicks off tomorrow. Come and see what Gianni the Grass Track Czar has in store for us. It's awesome. It counts toward the FGBC - RRR FGD Challenge. And it's free. Win, win, and win.
Warm-up at 6:30. Racing begins at 7pm.

Note that the venue has shifted from Whittier Park to the Bertrand Arena Field. Should it rain, however, check back here for an announcement of an alternative venue.
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2) Wednesday Night Dogfest
The FGBC loves a dogfest. And Kevin B loves the FGBC. First he ups the ante at the Back 40 by offering double points for The Challenge and introducing the Back 40 Butter Belt. Now he has announced that next week's Wednesday Night Race at BHP will be followed by a dogfest. Unlike Juan Eppstein's, dogs and buns will be supplied. I'm not sure about the beverages. At any rate, I'm going to go out on a limb here and declare this one a mandatory event for Team FGBC. That means you have to be there. Especially those three members of the team who have yet to race. You know who you are.
3) Reach the Beach
The details are all getting sorted out now. It will cost $35. Ouch. But it will hurt even more if you fail to register before June 27. It goes up to $45 after that. The race will begin in Beausejour this year. And it will start at 8:30 am. Get your entry and waiver forms filled in now.
And yet we continue to wait as our pleas for a poster have seemingly fallen on deaf ears. But we FGBC'ers are an industrious bunch. And so we have taken matters into our own hands and come up with a special FGBC - RRR FGD Challenge RTB poster. We also have a suggestion for a Back 40 Butter Belt style special prize. In keeping with the beach theme, how about a pair of used Speedos? Just think how much more proud KK would be if his Butter Belt could be worn over some swimwear.

4) 2009 FGBC Tour de France Pool
Vicarious racing will return soon. The 2009 FGBC Tour de France Pool just over two weeks away. It will use the same format as the Giro Pool. It will also count toward The Challenge. And the FGBC will win this round.

Could you imagine a marble bag to go along with the Butter Belt? "Whoa...ladies, please step back." Thank goodness this likely will not happen. (the marble bag part, that is)
As winner of the coveted Butter Belt, I volunteer to procure a prize for the Reach the Beach portion of the FGD Challenge. Whomever wins the prize on July 5 can consider supplying something for the White(s)hell Enduro on July 19.
I assume, in this case, the prize will go to the best placing as logistics imply there won't be any judges to determine the "best" ride. We can work out the details over the course of the next couple TNRs.
I have marked the 24th on the calendar (with a black sharpie)... which is one step closer to actually racing.
The invitation of dogfest may actually draw out the secretary to participate in his first race.
The president and the secretary racing at the same time...
WNR 3 on the 24th - There will probably be bottled water (so bring your own beverages). And bug spray!
Speaking of marble bag - the WV is "dinke" seriously!
The president and the secretary racing at the same time would be beautiful.
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