I don't know about the rest of you, but my legs aren't up for much more than a leisurely ride tonight. Feel free to suggest a destination.
My place at 9:30 pm. Hopefully it will be done raining by then.
And in case you missed it, be sure to check out KK's moment in the spotlight with the cherished Back 40 Butter Belt.
Can fame and fortune be far behind?
I won't be riding tonight, see you at the Klubhaus.
I hope it's not because of your back impaler.
I'm up for a miss-and-out race or two...not.
I'm in, providing KoM doens't do me in tonight.
Rain, rain, go away.
It would be back issues yes.
That sucks. See you at the klubhaus.
we'll see how I'm feeling closer to 9:30. Me knee was less than impressed with it's rather violent encounter with my stem on Sunday. It's been pretty swollen and stiff (that's for you Impaler) since then. But, we'll see... if it's only a leisurely ride...
I love leisure.
Dr. H, I might be in- need an update of your place. Hope you have my email. Send it to me- thanks.
too much hair (on top of the head) to look like his pop....give it some time and he'll be there.
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