Monday, April 02, 2007

tuesday night

The fever has subsided, the aches are gone, and the domestic duties have been taken care of, so I'm all clear for a ride tomorrow. Same place, same time.

Lap 9 of 'stache-cross is being presented by the honorary captain's former teammate, Patrick McCarty:

OTT: Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Zephyr Song


the secretary said...

I can't ride tonight, but will be able to meet later... 10 or a bit after.
Apparently Jonny B has taken me up on the arm wrestle...

shOna said...

who did that poster? that is amazing

team jonny said...

I've got class until 10 tonight and if I manage to get a bike tonight I'll be there by 11:00, if not it'll just have to wait another week.

that dave said...

and make sure you bring those pythons.

PaddyH said...

forgive my absence this
windy eve as I will be hangin'
out with the Missus...

shOna said...

why i say about the poster for i think maybe the fgbc guys might nominate the person who does our posters (aka ToMeK) for the awards. why not try?