Gluttony: check
Wrath: check
Sloth: check
Greed: pending
Lust: pending
Envy: pending
Pride: pending
With 10-15 cm of snow allegedly on the way later today, it is time to turn our attention to Nordic Cross. Last year we were accused of being in a gluttonous rut, at least as far as our off-the-grid racing efforts were concerned. It hit us hard, like a punch in the gut. But we like to think we are capable of handling criticism. So we decided to broaden it out by attempting to combine bike racing in the snow with the full range of seven deadly sins. But we didn't get so far. Two of our standard races were reinvented as Gluttons Cross and Sloth Cross. Brad the Impaler came up with a doozy of a race for Wrath Cross, as only Brad the Impaler could. But Greed, Lust, Envy, and Pride still have yet to be explored. We will attempt to complete that task this year. But Gluttony and Sloth will be back too. Because, I suppose, they go some way to accounting for us being exactly what we are. We will begin with our annual trip to the East India Company. And this year we won't wait until January to get it all started. Stay tuned.
But before we get there, we need to conclude the 2010 CXMB season. It feels like forever since we were racing provincials in short sleeves. But the grand finale is coming up next weekend. And it'll be a good one. If there's a grand old man of the local cx scene, I guess the Belgian Club race would be it. It goes back a long time. And it's always a classic. But this year, it sounds like the formula will be tweaked a little bit. Nothing has been confirmed yet, but there are rumours of an all new course floating around. We look forward to seeing what they come up with. Or perhaps it's all just part of a marketing ploy to return to the original course next year and have it seem better than ever. Mmmm, Coke.
speaking of cross - has anyone seen the prov results? i kinda wanna frame em.
Seriously where do you get your pictures from? That's awesome.
And I echo Kevin B's statement above.
And I'll try and help fulfill one of those unmet 7 deadly sins to the best of my ability within the vision of my potential "project" ... which of them should be my priority?
Finding pictures is the easy part. It's making them that is hard. Which is why we only do that when necessary.
As always it is up to the organizers to post the results - that would be woodcock.
Oh, and yes the Belgian Supercross is on for next Saturday. Details are slow in coming together because of venue challenges but a venue has finally been secured (long story involving a very uncooperative mother nature). Expect something slightly different.
I think mother nature has been cooperating very nicely. To have a race at the end of November without snow would have been quite disappointing.
And we can shovel.
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