Big group. Especially on the RRR front. Ryan, Mike, and Larry were there to go along with the Impaler and his sidekick KK. Coach Unger was there too, for the first time in a while. That is more like it. We rode the trails to Fort Whyte. It was cold and windy but good times nonetheless.
As far as klubhaus activity is concerned, the most important thing to note is that we held a second vote on the matter of Spring Ride accomodations. It was not so close this time. 9-5 for the lodge, I believe it was. The chip buffet, however, was unanimously affirmed. So much so that Ryan and Larry went out and bought some so that we could treat ourselves to a little foretaste.
Red River chip club. Thanks Dr. Amadeo and Dr. Klassen.
Not sure why, but after looking at photo #1 I started humming The Guess Who's Clap For The Wolfman.
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