The FGBC fanclub was out in full force. Normally, they would be racing. But the B race conflicted with ultimate. And the Living Legends had a championship to win.
Cousin Adam and a newly licensed Vic got things off to a good start for the FGBC. Adam was 2nd in the B race, and Vic finished 3rd in the Citizen race.
With all the support out on course, it felt like we needed to give them something to cheer about. So we went out hard and tried to stay as close to the front as possible, if only to ensure that everyone got a good look at the sweetest jersey in the world. A few laps in, Craig and I found ourselves at the very front of the pack. We were as surprised as the Secretary and Co., whose enthusiastic, though not uncritical, comments on our barrier form were greatly appreciated. It seemed a bit too good to be true, especially after a season of mtb races in which we've been preoccupied with the goal of not finishing last. And indeed it was. It wasn't long before I dropped a chain after a particularly poor post-barrier attempt to remount my bike. And all of a sudden it was back to chasing. The Cricket was still there, though. He was hanging with the Woodcock trio of Olli, Dan N, and Don S, who were leading the race. A couple laps later, though, I came upon him standing beside his bike on the muddy trail portion of the course. He looked a bit stunned and was straightening his handlebars. It seems he lost a little skirmish with the mud. I managed to get back to 3rd place for a while, but couldn't hold off a final charge by Don S at the finish. Woodcock swept the podium. But the FGBC was 4th and 5th. Jonny G was 16th. And the Fraggle finished 2nd in the women's race. Good times.
Token photos. Evidently, we were going too fast for the camera to capture things clearly.
Full results here.
As for the FGBC - RRR FGD Challenge, it was a 107-0 win for the FGBC. After Mike and Brad TT'd RRR back into the lead, we have taken it back yet again.

My heart is broken.
Good job, racers.
prepare to be swept away by the dark tide.
great wool by the way.
swept away seems aptly put.
that's more than a little lopsided.
ouch. Maybe things will even a little if we can sweep 1st to 6th place in the Vuelta pool...
It would have been less lopsided had RRR actually sent someone out to the race.
The FGBC loves cyclocross. You can expect our participation to be strong all season long.
Next time all one of us will be there!!
BTW, nice work boys and girl. Some fine results. would have had a good time.
The barriers felt really high though.
Barriers, shmarriers.
If I can kill a bear in the wild, I can manage some stupid little barriers. I am so beyond tripping on barriers...
thanks for posting the results. had i known i was that close to halberto i would have probably enjoyed killing myself to cross the gap.
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