We started, as usual, by waiting for the Secretary to fix his latest mechanical issue--this time a loose bb on the Puch. While waiting, we decorated a few telephone poles with posters advertising the upcoming cx season.
Some could not wait and took off, including KK who brought out a sweet old skool set of wheels that made the elders among us quite nostalgic. As any five year old would immediately notice, he's not wearing a helmet. We will come back to this. When the Secretary and Cousin Adam finally arrived, we set out to find the rest of the group.
After locating them, Tom K commenced to lead us on a ride-through of the upcoming Bourkevale/Bruce Park cx race. Upon reaching the first slightly off-camber section, KK learned (the hard way) that his bike was better suited to eliciting nostalgic pre-teen flashbacks than it was for actually riding. He ended up on the ground with a pretty severely twisted ankle. Fortunately, he didn't whack his unprotected melon.
Tom K assured him that nothing was broken. And it wasn't long before KK was back on his feet and even attempting to squeeze out a little smile.
The rest of us, in strict observance of the unwritten rule that you shalt never abandon a fallen comrade, stood around and engaged in idle chit-chat, and maybe one or two jokes at KK's expense.
Until the broom wagon arrived to take him back to the safety of home.
At this point, it was getting on in the evening, so a decision was made that it was time to proceed to the klubhaus. This was easier said than done, however, at least for TNR rookie Max. His chain came off and ended up getting tangled in such a way that proved exceedingly difficult to undo.
Eventually, the Secretary's chain tool came to the rescue. But not before another 30 minutes were spent standing around in a state of bemused awe at this mechanical mystery.
Eventually, we made it to the klubhaus, where we once again filled the big table with lively conversation and good cheer. For the second week in a row, the Bud Man made an appearance of sorts. This time, in connection with tales from Kevin B's misspent youth. Wierd.
Not to be forgotten in all of this is the pre-TNR excitement supplied by Jonny G. He showed up at the Tuesday Night Crit with the goal of helping Cousin Adam to achieve his ambition of taming the twelve-year olds. Adam, however, was not there. And Jonny G was equally frustrated by the kids. But he did manage a strong finish thanks to a flurry of excitement that was set off when he attacked on the bell lap. There was some inadvertent grass-track racing due to an overshot corner, a blown tire, and even a little bit of screaming. In the end, Jonny was third.
There was no RRR representation last night. Which means it was a shutout victory for the dark side: 20-0. We have reclaimed the lead. Thank-you Jonny.

Larry and I had planned to race the crit. When I was there at 6:00 the on-site official cancelled the race due to an oil slick. I relayed this information on to Larry and went home to ride around with the kids.
Turns out the lackie's ruling was overturned and the race proceeded. Son of a...
Just back from the Pan Am Clinic. I'm out for at least 6 weeks with 3 fractures. Not cool.
OUCH! that sucks. get well KK.
son of a ....
hope you convalescence goes well and quickly
when you up to it come to the cross races to cheer on your squad and heckle your rivals
it should read 'when your up to it..., not when you up to it...'
6 weeks? That is not good. Not good at all.
Thanks, ladies.
Heckling will most certainly take place.
i call bullshit...
this sounds like red river tomfoolery. i want x-rays and a doctors note.
if it is true though...that really sucks. lasers are the key to getting better. you don't have to wear a boot do you? i hope you get better soon. get a second opinion.
just covering my bases kk. i hope you are well for serious.
i checked the rrr blog....story checks out.
tomfoolery would have been more fun.
This really doesn't look good for the points race.
At least I will look good in my spiffy new wool jersey while battling the black hordes at the CX races.
That sucks Kev, you sure were in some serious pain last night and still managed some smiles ... pretty tough for a whiteside rider!
Speaking of 'tomfoolery' ... I knew your ankle was ok, but it was wishful thinking that you might not have any other breaks/fractures.
Get better soon and give Jonny G a ride for his money!
That sucks KK. You must have a high threshold for pain, if I had fractured my leg in three places I would have been rolling around in the grass and screaming like a ....(you can fill in the rest) . What I guess I'm trying to say is that you handled the injury in a very dignified manner. Get better, and do come out and cheer us on at some of the CX races.
I was up late and bored tonite, so I made a full TNR on the Trg Coop msg board called KK's Banana-Bike Split ...
sweet report Tom. sorry about the bad news KK.
our TNR documentation is off the charts. what's a secretary to do but get out of the way. nice work team/s.
wv: foofl
Don't worry about the ride coverage. The Secretary's job is the minutes of the meeting. Plenty of room for improvement there.
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