We have moved out of the basement. We are ready. More than ready, in fact. Darkness is about to descend on the local road racing scene. They won't know what hit them. Three cx bikes and one old school Rossin. We will no doubt be quite dreadful. But we will be the most handsomely clad foursome on the road. Jonny G, Craig the Cricket, Cousin Adam, and I will be representing Team FGBC. If anyone wants to join Adam's kids in cheering us on, that would be super. Details on the race here.
2) T Minus 10 Days
The real season is about to begin:

This race is being put on by the Olympia squad. And they chose Jonny G decked out in the sweetest jersey in the world for the poster. Interesting.
The big news is MUCR's initiative to get some new racers to experience the thrill of cx racing:
Anyone who obtains an MCA citizen license (it's just $40) gets free entry to all cx races this year (with the exception of the provincials race)! Note that a citizen license is available only to those who have never held an MCA license before. And it only allows you to race the B race. But if this is your first license, that's where you belong anyway. This a such killer deal that even the frugal brothers, Juan and James, should be salivating. Something tells me the sweetest jersey in the world might figure prominently at cx races this season. Right on!
You can pick up your license and start racing at the race on August 30th.
For this and any other information on cyclocross racing in Manitoba, there is a new sheriff in town. It replaces the MUCR website which, for some reason, has been mothballed. It is not clear why. You'll have to ask Halberto.
That is all for this week, boys and girls. There is so much here to lick your lips over, it's prbably best not to think about anything else.
Hey, that's Brad on the CX MB blog header.
It's cool that G is on the poster, but headers supercede posters, no? Even if in a blaze orange vest with back turned...and not riding.
Tonight's going to be fun.
Too bad your 2nd FGBC TTT group (which I was going to 'sandbag' on) has come apart.
But I will not be deterred ... I broke out the epoxy glue and have fixed up my helmet-cam case and mounting point that I broke during a recent crash and ... Lori & I will show up tonight ... not just to cheer and snap a few pics, but I will mount my roadie racer and be your official chase cam-video guy ... how's them apples?!
good luck tonight fellas
my blog is "down" for "repairs" fyi
No more comments on the RRR blog? What's up?
Brad and cyclocross: they just belong together.
Good luck with the "repairs" Paddy. You can always drop a comment here. Maybe write a cyclocross opera, or whatever tickles your fancy.
I fell asleep on the couch after getting changed into some dry clothes. Just woke up in time to go to bed.
You guys did well tonight. Any comments should be directed to the Olympia wannabes. (WTF, Elvis?)
Olympia is to RRR/FGBC what Meatloaf is to Pitt/Norton in Fight Club.
I'll leave the entertaining trash-talking to you all, but I must say that riding along with and trying to film you guys on a raining night was a blast! FGBC CX/Roadie TT wannabe racers rock!!
That Jonny G got dropped and fell back enough so I could catch up and ride the rest of the laps with him was a bonus for me. He's a strong rider who was just off his top game a bit, but was not short of humour or spunk.
Great to see the rivalry between FGBC & RRR and yes Kevin I saw you guys blast by me ... well done!
I had some things to take care of after getting home tonight, but I will post pics and videos soon on the TrgCoop msg board soon, plus a video mix on my YouTube Channel.
it's back up...just had to edit some chit
I'll leave cx opera's to the pros, thanks.
KK, I meant to ask why you have disabled the comments on the RRR blog?
I was playing so some settings yesterday...I guess I flipped a switch or something.
So does this mean MUCR is dead?
Will I need to buy a different sausage suit?
don't think of mucr as an entity more of a state of being. long live the union.
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