In any case, Mike, Chris, and Gilles were all at the race for RRR. While it sounds like they had a rough time, they still finished 7th, 9th, and 10th respectively in the "Master B" field. Nice work boys. That adds up to 40 points for the white-shirted side. The FGBC was not represented. So once again, it appears that lead has changed hands. Except that it didn't. It only seems that way because these results weren't up when they should have been. That gave the impression that we took back the lead with our big points haul at Bur Oak, before giving it up again just now. But that's not what happened. The provincial road race allowed RRR to extend a lead they'd had for a while. And our WNR showing allowed us to narrow the gap considerably and prevented a huge RRR lead from getting out of hand.

Note that the score reflects an adjustment to the last Wednesday Night Race. Some dude who finished ahead of the President and the Secretary was omitted from the original results. Now that he's been added, they are bumped down a spot and each receive one less point. Which means our score is 805 instead of 807. But you wouldn't know any of that by looking on the MCA website. It's not up yet. Then again, it has only been ten days. But the Olympia Club has had it up since the day after the race.
MTB provincials are today. It sounds like the Cricket will be there, along with RRR's Chris D.
It's about time.
Now we just have to wait for the MCA to post the Aug. 4 handicap race results. RRR was represented there as well.
Oh yeah, right. I think Cousin Adam was there too. It's hard to keep track when you're working that much in the past.
no mtb prov's for me. Somehow my kitchen pass was revoked about a week and a half ago...combine that with a 2 year old fighting an ear infection and a long, lonesome drive to another out of town race without teammates and I just decided to say "screw it"
too bad, though.
sorry, your wrong on the mca website and posting of the results. it is up to the clubs to make sure that they get the results to the mca promptly, once the office has the results they get passed onto the webmaster who posts them within 24 hours. i'd be very very surprised that the posting of the results got hung up at the mca office. the only other place it can get hung up is if the webmaster is on vacation.
blame can be assigned but it does not sit with the mca for the posting of results.
Well there's still a bit of a gap there because results were sent to Ron on July 29th.
Sure the results should be published online the same day. Need to work on that.
stand corrected and eating crow. apologies to all.
were working on the system and it will get better.
Of course, if the clubs had the choice to self-post results on the MCA site (like a blog or a wiki) that would solve some of this issue - and would allow for easy corrections, etc.
I just had a strange feeling of deja vu.
I agree with Gianni there. There shouldn't be need to change the results after the chief commissaire has published the results though.
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