[Updated--Juan Eppstein has been in touch with Dave R]Meet at my place at the usual 9:30 if you want to ride over together.
You're on your own for dogs and buns
and beverages. Juan Eppstein will provide the fixins and beverages. Bring some cash to reimburse him.
OTT: Fields, If You Fall, We All Fall
How late will this go? Hockey is over at 10:45 pm.
tenacious v
Shouldn't pose a problem. Besides hot dogs after hockey sounds about as close to perfection as is possible in this crappy little world of ours.
Some further items to bring:
- if you happen to be driving bring a lawn chair. Cyclists are exempt.
- beer money
Why beer money?? I thought we were to bring beer. It was on the list along with dogs.
Turns out Juan Eppstein is on top of the beverage situation.
how much cash???
(a rough guess)
G! Relax, man. If you really want to know, the following formula should help you budget for the event (beverages only):
C=(87/F) + (S x B), where
C = how much cash you need ($)
F = # of dog Festers (nearest integer)
S = number of supplemental bottles required (highly dependent on variables such as speed of preceeding ride, sodium content of dogs, spillage, and mostly a larger than expected F factor)
B = cost of average two-four divided by 24.
Shouldn't be more than an average night at the FnH.
math is hard.
The Dave(s) are my hero(es), from a Tuesday point of view.
Switch into glide.
Energy can be directed
I'm turning it up, I'm turning it down
Can't make it tonight - sickness. So those of you with cash for me - leave it at home.
I don't want to hear any, "I'd pay you, but Matt, the beer was so good with the dogs..." stories.
I'd pay you Matt, but you clearly don't want my money!
heal up feller!
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