Wednesday, November 27, 2013


This was left on the table. Perfectly tasty. And no, the President was not in attendance. Looks like we have 'another one' in the club, or it was an accident.

Let's assume it was an accident.

Name of guilty(?) withheld until cross-examination is complete.

TNR Minutes, and, Nordic Cross is on!

Dear Friends,

Winter is here. The TNR is love. Bikes were ridden by quite a few. Plans emerged.

In particular, Nordic Cross is, remarkably, taking shape. With no small amount of cross-table yelling, this is what emerged:

NC1 - Dec 3 (Next Tuesday) - The Hipster

NC2 - Jan 7 - The Impaler - Garbage Hill and Barley Bros (an over-priced, under-Klubhaus-classed establishment in this writer's opinion, but everyone should go there twice)

1st Special Event!!! Barn Cross - Anna is on it - date TBA

2nd Special Event!!! 24hr Studio Cross - Feb 1 - The Energizer has suggested bigger speakers are better... and will back that up in an acoustically controlled environment on the edge of the historic exchange district. No concrete floor, no gas fumes (thank-you very much Johnny M). Thankfully, we have two full months to kind of agree on a movie theme.

3rd Special Event!!! Feb 15 - Fire and beers at the Cricket's. Very possibly no riding at all. Maybe a drive out to an Actif Epica site to watch and heckle. Maybe not.

NC3 - March TBA - Hot Legs

While conversation raged, one item was returned to a number of times. Dave is fascinated by the weight distribution of the genre of cycle known so gentile-like, as the 'fatbike'. (Looks as classy as it sounds, but a topic of discussion nonetheless.) Apparently it's more 50-50 than a cross or mtn bike... so in pressing an old mtn frame into 'fatbike' service, an extension of the rear triangle would be necessary to get that floaty weight distro so desired by the 'fatbike' aficionado. Good luck Dave.

The Awesome One was fairly awesome in proposing toasts. Sadly, not in Hutterite-speak.