It wouldn't be the first thought that comes to mind, but this guy and his gaggle of ABES knows how to put on a great show of cx goodness.

This year was the 5th anniversary of Southern Cross. And the consensus was it was the best ever. The weather was not as nice as we've had in past years. And the wind. Oh, the wind. But the course was pretty much perfect. Thanks you Johnny S. We love you!
The death spiral. It doesn't seem like it should work. But somehow, it does.

Unger's massive calves were cramping up on him. That can't have felt good. But he looked smooth over the barriers. Way smoother than some other loud mouth who goes by the name of Dark something or other. His shorts got caught on his saddle during a poorly executed remount attempt. He went ass over tea-kettle. And took down JP with him. It was not cool.

The Hipster had the best ride through the sand.

Perhaps even more importantly, he took a sweet photo that demonstrates once and for all how
not to ride the sand. It looks something like this:

The Cricket did not win. But he was still awesome, finishing third.

JP had his best race of the season. He finished 5th.

We still have yet to achieve our goal of sweeping the podium. But to have three FGBCers in the top 5 of the Cat 1/2 Mens race was closer than we have been all year.
There were plenty of others flying the Dark Side's colours as well. That was nice to see. The Fraggle and the Mennonite Lady beat each other up in the Womens Cat 1/2/3 Race. Vanessa kicked A in the Womens Cat 4 race. And Anita took a break from her lap counting duties to try out her first cx race. It seemed like she had been racing for years. Jonny G did not have a day to remember. So we won't dwell on it.
And finally, Cousin Thomas not only flaunted his jersey whoredom by kitting himself up in jerseys representing every club to which he claims membership. He was also an inspiration to Clydesdales everywhere by taking home first place in the C (is for Clydesdale) Race.
Results and more photos