I'm back from Crystal City. Good times in the motherland. Fortunately, I was able to watch stage 20. Unfortunately, I was without an internet connection.
It's all over but the second-guessing now. Thanks for playing. I hope it was fun. Here's how things panned out over the last couple of stages.
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs and You Like Samurai Swords, I Like Baseball win the final stwo stages. Team Runner Up holds on to take the overall victory. Congratulations! After all the bonus points were awarded, however, the rest of the standings got completely reshuffled. Nothing Stops a Party Barge moves from 5th place onto the 2nd podium step. With over 1100 bonus points, they cut a lead of over 600 points to less than 300. Team Toulouse remains on the podium, but just barely. They end up clinging to 3rd spot by the fingernails ahead of Fuck It, Let's Go Bowling, who rocket up from 12th to come shy of the podium by just 5 points. In the race for the lanterne rouge, it was a nail-biter. It came down to the bonus points awarded for the best young rider competition. The 20 points for Vincenzo Nibali move Viva Italia just ahead of Turn Up the Good, Turn Down the Suck, who reclaim their rightful place at the bottom of the heap. It's hard to capture just how awful those two teams were. They are over 800 points worse than the 3rd worst team, the Sturmy-Archer All Stars. But they gave us the most exciting and hard-fought race of the pool.
Final GC:
Team Runner Up (Mike) 3700
Nothing Stops a Party Barge (Donna) 3415
Team Toulouse (Vic) 2990
Fuck It, Let's Go Bowling (Colin) 2985
Los Lobos Soundcheck Disaster (Bill) 2815
English on the Ball (Matt) 2805
Zed's Dead, Baby (Chris) 2745
Powered by Veggies (Jonny B) 2655
Farm Team (Tinker James) 2610
Frequent Flyers (Tom K) 2405
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs (Johnny M) 2375
Dolphin Ankle Tatoos (Ian) 2270
You Like Samurai Swords, I Like Baseball (Arlene) 2170
Mylie Sigurdur's Wheels of Fury (Dallas) 2075
Don't Stop to Smell the Flowers (LeAnn) 2030
The A Team (Adam) 2020
You Suckers Don't Have a Chance Against the King (Andy) 1990
Annie Proffitt's Kids (Rachel) 1700
Poison Ivy Weedwackers (Hal) 1635
Arms Akimbo (Brad) 1525
Sturmy-Archer All-Stars (Kevin) 1445
Viva Italia (David S) 645
Turn up the good, turn down the suck! (Paddy & Naomi) 630
The full breakdown is as follows:
Stage 20:
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs (Jonny M) 295
Frequent Flyers (Tom K) 255
English on the Ball (Matt) 255
Farm Team (Tinker James) 215
Arms Akimbo (Brad) 205
Fuck It, Let's Go Bowling (Colin) 190
Nothing Stops a Party Barge (Donna) 185
Powered by Veggies (Jonny B) 170
Mylie Sigurdur's Wheels of Fury (Dallas) 150
Don't Stop to Smell the Flowers (LeAnn) 145
Dolphin Ankle Tatoos (Ian) 125
Los Lobos Soundcheck Disaster (Bill) 115
Annie Proffitt's Kids (Rachel) 95
You Suckers Don't Have a Chance Against the King (Andy) 90
Poison Ivy Weedwackers (Hal) 75
Team Runner Up (Mike) 70
Turn up the good, turn down the suck! (Paddy & Naomi) 70
The A Team (Adam) 20
You Like Samurai Swords, I Like Baseball (Arlene) 15
Team Toulouse (Vic) 0
Zed's Dead, Baby (Chris) 0
Sturmy-Archer All-Stars (Kevin) 0
Viva Italia (David S) 0
Overall Standings after Stage 20:
Team Runner Up (Mike) 2925
Team Toulouse (Vic) 2400
Zed's Dead, Baby (Chris) 2375
English on the Ball (Matt) 2300
Nothing Stops a Party Barge (Donna) 2270
Los Lobos Soundcheck Disaster (Bill) 2225
Powered by Veggies (Jonny B) 2190
Farm Team (Tinker James) 1930
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs (Johnny M) 1910
Fuck It, Let's Go Bowling (Colin) 1860
Frequent Flyers (Tom K) 1835
Mylie Sigurdur's Wheels of Fury (Dallas) 1765
You Like Samurai Swords, I Like Baseball (Arlene) 1660
You Suckers Don't Have a Chance Against the King (Andy) 1580
Dolphin Ankle Tatoos (Ian) 1550
The A Team (Adam) 1460
Arms Akimbo (Brad) 1335
Annie Proffitt's Kids (Rachel) 1170
Sturmy-Archer All-Stars (Kevin) 1150
Poison Ivy Weedwackers (Hal) 1020
Don't Stop to Smell the Flowers (LeAnn) 1015
Turn up the good, turn down the suck! (Paddy & Naomi) 630
Viva Italia (David S) 550
Stage 21:
You Like Samurai Swords, I Like Baseball (Arlene) 290
Team Runner Up (Mike) 215
English on the Ball (Matt) 205
Team Toulouse (Vic) 195
Zed's Dead, Baby (Chris) 170
Arms Akimbo (Brad) 130
Nothing Stops a Party Barge (Donna) 115
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs (Jonny M) 105
Powered by Veggies (Jonny B) 105
Annie Proffitt's Kids (Rachel) 90
Los Lobos Soundcheck Disaster (Bill) 90
The A Team (Adam) 75
Frequent Flyers (Tom K) 70
Mylie Sigurdur's Wheels of Fury (Dallas) 65
You Suckers Don't Have a Chance Against the King (Andy) 50
Viva Italia (David S) 45
Farm Team (Tinker James) 40
Fuck It, Let's Go Bowling (Colin) 25
Don't Stop to Smell the Flowers (LeAnn) 25
Sturmy-Archer All-Stars (Kevin) 0
Dolphin Ankle Tatoos (Ian) 0
Turn up the good, turn down the suck! (Paddy & Naomi) 0
Poison Ivy Weedwackers (Hal) 0
Overall Standings after Stage 21:
Team Runner Up (Mike) 3140
Team Toulouse (Vic) 2595
Zed's Dead, Baby (Chris) 2545
English on the Ball (Matt) 2505
Nothing Stops a Party Barge (Donna) 2385
Los Lobos Soundcheck Disaster (Bill) 2315
Powered by Veggies (Jonny B) 2295
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs (Johnny M) 2015
Farm Team (Tinker James) 1970
You Like Samurai Swords, I Like Baseball (Arlene) 1950
Frequent Flyers (Tom K) 1905
Fuck It, Let's Go Bowling (Colin) 1885
Mylie Sigurdur's Wheels of Fury (Dallas) 1830
You Suckers Don't Have a Chance Against the King (Andy) 1630
Dolphin Ankle Tatoos (Ian) 1550
The A Team (Adam) 1535
Arms Akimbo (Brad) 1465
Annie Proffitt's Kids (Rachel) 1260
Sturmy-Archer All-Stars (Kevin) 1150
Don't Stop to Smell the Flowers (LeAnn) 1040
Poison Ivy Weedwackers (Hal) 1020
Turn up the good, turn down the suck! (Paddy & Naomi) 630
Viva Italia (David S) 595
Yellow Jersey Bonus Points:
Fuck It, Let's Go Bowling (Colin) 1020
Don't Stop to Smell the Flowers (LeAnn) 950
Nothing Stops a Party Barge (Donna) 900
Dolphin Ankle Tatoos (Ian) 680
Farm Team (Tinker James) 620
Poison Ivy Weedwackers (Hal) 575
Frequent Flyers (Tom K) 500
Team Runner Up (Mike) 500
Annie Proffitt's Kids (Rachel) 440
The A Team (Adam) 425
Los Lobos Soundcheck Disaster (Bill) 420
Team Toulouse (Vic) 335
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs (Jonny M) 300
Powered by Veggies (Jonny B) 300
English on the Ball (Matt) 300
You Suckers Don't Have a Chance Against the King (Andy) 300
Sturmy-Archer All-Stars (Kevin) 275
Mylie Sigurdur's Wheels of Fury (Dallas) 225
Zed's Dead, Baby (Chris) 200
You Like Samurai Swords, I Like Baseball (Arlene) 180
Arms Akimbo (Brad) 60
Viva Italia (David S) 30
Turn up the good, turn down the suck! (Paddy & Naomi) 0
Green Jersey Bonus Points:
Nothing Stops a Party Barge (Donna) 90
Team Runner Up (Mike) 60
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs (Jonny M) 60
Powered by Veggies (Jonny B) 60
You Suckers Don't Have a Chance Against the King (Andy) 60
Los Lobos Soundcheck Disaster (Bill) 20
Mylie Sigurdur's Wheels of Fury (Dallas) 20
Fuck It, Let's Go Bowling (Colin) 0
Don't Stop to Smell the Flowers (LeAnn) 0
Dolphin Ankle Tatoos (Ian) 0
Farm Team (Tinker James) 0
Poison Ivy Weedwackers (Hal) 0
Frequent Flyers (Tom K) 0
Annie Proffitt's Kids (Rachel) 0
The A Team (Adam) 0
Team Toulouse (Vic) 0
English on the Ball (Matt) 0
Sturmy-Archer All-Stars (Kevin) 0
Zed's Dead, Baby (Chris) 0
You Like Samurai Swords, I Like Baseball (Arlene) 0
Arms Akimbo (Brad) 0
Viva Italia (David S) 0
Turn up the good, turn down the suck! (Paddy & Naomi) 0
Polka-Dot Jersey Bonus Points:
Fuck It, Let's Go Bowling (Colin) 40
Don't Stop to Smell the Flowers (LeAnn) 40
Nothing Stops a Party Barge (Donna) 40
Farm Team (Tinker James) 20
Sturmy-Archer All-Stars (Kevin) 20
Dolphin Ankle Tatoos (Ian) 0
Poison Ivy Weedwackers (Hal) 0
Frequent Flyers (Tom K) 0
Team Runner Up (Mike) 0
Annie Proffitt's Kids (Rachel) 0
The A Team (Adam) 0
Los Lobos Soundcheck Disaster (Bill) 0
Team Toulouse (Vic) 0
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs (Jonny M) 0
Powered by Veggies (Jonny B) 0
English on the Ball (Matt) 0
You Suckers Don't Have a Chance Against the King (Andy) 0
Mylie Sigurdur's Wheels of Fury (Dallas) 0
Zed's Dead, Baby (Chris) 0
You Like Samurai Swords, I Like Baseball (Arlene) 0
Arms Akimbo (Brad) 0
Viva Italia (David S) 0
Turn up the good, turn down the suck! (Paddy & Naomi) 0
White Jersey Bonus Points:
The A Team (Adam) 60
Los Lobos Soundcheck Disaster (Bill) 60
Team Toulouse (Vic) 60
Fuck It, Let's Go Bowling (Colin) 40
Dolphin Ankle Tatoos (Ian) 40
Poison Ivy Weedwackers (Hal) 40
You Like Samurai Swords, I Like Baseball (Arlene) 40
Viva Italia (David S) 20
Don't Stop to Smell the Flowers (LeAnn) 0
Nothing Stops a Party Barge (Donna) 0
Farm Team (Tinker James) 0
Frequent Flyers (Tom K) 0
Team Runner Up (Mike) 0
Annie Proffitt's Kids (Rachel) 0
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs (Jonny M) 0
Powered by Veggies (Jonny B) 0
English on the Ball (Matt) 0
You Suckers Don't Have a Chance Against the King (Andy) 0
Sturmy-Archer All-Stars (Kevin) 0
Mylie Sigurdur's Wheels of Fury (Dallas) 0
Zed's Dead, Baby (Chris) 0
Arms Akimbo (Brad) 0
Turn up the good, turn down the suck! (Paddy & Naomi) 0