Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Further to the comment I posted on V's concern about the law.
The wearing of a skin suit may actually create more of a concern that being shirtless , however, the results would most likely be the same.

It would be appropriate for some comments for the legal council as to the appropriate responce during any potential questioning from the local contabulatory.


The Dark Lord said...

Dude, what are you talking about?

Gianni said...

Local contabulary go to hell.

penner said...

on the return trip from the club house last ride the secretary, myself and cousin adam....(who is now council for the crown) witnessed a rather comical fracus between a semiclothed individual and the police. he attempted escape only to caught hiding in the bus shelter. this further led to comments from adam about a variety of responces which could get any such case "thrown out" because of the lack of probable cause.
It was quite amusing....Vic had posted concerns about potential arrest while in a skin suit in last weeks minute hence my subsequent posting

Adam said...

In terms of possible skin suit crimes, I'm thinking Cause Disturbance would be likely. Depending on the cut (ie race or club) you may also risk Indecent Exposure, and then look out if any body is around to see you, because then Corrupting Morals ("publicly exhibiting a disgusting object or an indecent show") is also on the table.
And unlike with certain driving offences, there is no technical loophole to defend against criminal sanctions when you find yourself up on a charge of being "clad as to offend against public decency or order."

the secretary said...

I'm glad we're getting this whole business ironed out... with legal counsel weighing in and all.

Now we just need typing counsel for the president so you could understand his story... or maybe he was reliving it in much faster than his typing speed in his head. That said, a good proof-read never hurt anyone.

The dude being arrested by the fat cops was clearly in a state not fit for biking, not so much due to his attire (or lack of), as his poor judgement. Attempting to escape to a glass bus shelter from a couple of slow police suggests all manner of chemical or biological trouble.