Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Doin' it bloggy style!

Let's check in to see what happened last night on the "Adventures of FGBC"...

Hal and Greg checked into for an evening of bike club, Hal biked, impressive.

Hal also gave another great idea for our stickers ... www.thestickerguy.com thanks Hal.

Ideas were bandied about for future races for FGBC, and the idea of poker derby (or game hat) for the June ride in Morden. This was met with a smattering of opinions. What is a game hat anyways? The future race ideas was quite an intense discussion with Chris leading the charge - with all these potential races coming up, it is going to be quite hard to find enough excuses not to attend, some of us will have to dig deep and give 100% in this department. (man, I wish I had brakes, again).

Some sad news - there is a rumour that Ingulf will be clear cut. We need the VP External to look into this for clarification.

On other race news, there is a 24 hour relay taking place at Falcon Lake. Both Hal and Chris are hoping to do it on their own. Hopefully they will keep us posted on a potential date for this event.

Hey, check out Greg's site www.gregorydahl.com It is FGBC approved!

Quorum was met, and it was decided that our new domain name will be fortgarrybikeclub.com. It will cost us $35 and Jonny Beans stepped up and threw 10 in the pot - that a boy beans!

The potential of us riding the naked bike ride/protest was brought up, and pretty much shot down immediately. The question of seats as an option for this ride was tabled, and met with a few laughs and giggles - oh, those silly boys in bike club!

Finally, preliminary discussions arose of a potential 'sistering up' with the Tinker Creek gang, this was met with optimism. Oh yah, Dave got his new ride - the Vertex has been unleashed and is terrorizing Wolseley as we speak - can hardly wait to see it Dave.

Members attending: Dieter, Juan, Dr. Hubie, Darryl, Jon, President and me. Thanks again to Hal and Greg for joining us - come again.

quick hits ... the dark was good, no sighting of Melanie, and no peanuts.

I'm oot and aboot


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