Wednesday, June 20, 2012

TNR Report

Once again, weather was a factor... as we gathered at the secret meeting spot, the rain began to fall... so the most direct route to the klubhaus was taken. That would be the end of report if we hadn't had special guests.
The Duester managed to find time in his busy family schedule to join us, so the RRR boys held caucus at one end of the table. It was a joyful reunion.
Dan continues to surprise. Beyond his difficult journey between jerseys, he finds time to host complete and wonderful strangers through Tim was his guest, and therefore our guest. Tim is from Sheffield in the north of England, and began his trek in San Francisco in April... up the coast, and then across Canada to us...
Tim tells tales of the road. Duester's nose sticks out past the BF.
The journey will continue to St. John's, Nflnd and then down the east coast until the rental folks are out of his house in November.
The nice news is that he has really enjoyed the prairies a lot.
He is blogging here:
Tea for Tim
Thanks for the fine visit Tim.

Finally, our most intrepid electrician rolled up, wet from the rain. That was nice.

In other news, the Hipster's bad attitude toward mopeds makes him slightly less hip than last week.

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