Saturday, March 24, 2007


The secretary's getting ready for spring training. It won't be done in time for BHP tomorrow, but hopefully it'll be ready for a debut appearance on Tuesday night.

Everything was going smoothly, until . . .

a recalcitrant bottom bracket cup ground things to a halt
and the heat had to be brung

the secretary managed to hammer it out,
just in time for a delightful lunch of falafel and yam fries at Ami's

I'm planning to head out to BHP for some road laps tomorrow afternoon. Sounds like Jonny G and Jonny B will be there too. Probably won't get there before 1:30. Others welcome.

OTT: Wilco, Box Full of Letters

1 comment:

the secretary said...

I guess that middle pic is right before Paddy burnt an impression of the bottom bracket on his finger...