See that light over there in the south? That is the ABES outshining us in almost every possible way. 200+ km rides, regular alleycat races, and more. About the only thing they don't do is show up at the Spring Ride. It is all a little bit humbling. Last year at this time they didn't even have a logo. Tonight we will have another alleycat race. There hasn't been one since the infamous Burger Cat race that marked KK's first ever TNR appearance. It is time.
My place at 9:30 pm.
Our goal is not to humble but to inspire. Actually, inspiration might be too strong a word. Gently motivate perhaps? All in all getting off our asses is about all we hope to accomplish. Some of "us" are taking this way too seriously. 250km? C'mon!!!
Thanks for the cab offer, but unless you can get duffy's out to ontario I won't make it. I'll be awol till mid august.
Gimpy II
Does that mean you're working?
So when is the world cup pool being put together?
Dallas " Compression socks are the real deal." Sigurdur
Juan Eppstein is in charge of the world cup pool. So far we've heard very little.
Saturday afternoon, my house.
U.S.A vs England.. we all know these countrys have bad blood so lets see some freakin action.
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