Wednesday, August 17, 2011

TNR + Grass Track #2 Report

Gianni the Grass Track Czar came up with another fine program. And it was enjoyed by the best turnout ever. Counting the kids, there were around 20 racers. We are all now just a little bit more ready for cyclocross season to start. Or scared by the reminder of how much it is going to hurt. Good times.

The TNR got off to a late start on account of the good times at the grass track. But we did manage to ride over to the klubhaus. On the way over, we stopped to check in on the new project at Omand's Creek. It is always nice to see our tax dollars being put to good use. I wonder if anyone has any regrets about turfing the initial bridge proposal?

The Secretary and President joined us at the klubhaus. Which is good because we had lots of DarkCross business to go over. Things are going well. Very well. The VP Style also brought a report on the status of our socks. It seems they have hit a production snag. We are still waiting. The tunes were different. We believe this is the first time the English Beat has been on the hi fi at the F&H.

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