Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I am out. I have a date with America's best bar band.

I'm sure you will be able to figure out a sweet ride. Just be sure to watch out for dragons.


Anonymous said...

I have a great idea. Lets all meet at the bar at 9:30 and drink beers till its closed.

Anonymous said...


The Big Frame said...

I second Mark's idea. Any opposed?

Anonymous said...

See you at the bar Lyle.

Gianni said...

Lyle: you wanna talk trip tonight?

(Question bar = klubhaus?)

g said...

I am still starting out at the usual place. I may feel like a pre-hydrational spin around town. Or I may not. It all depends how KOM goes tonight.

Brad the Impaler said...

I'll head by the usual place. I may feel like a pre-hydrational spin too. It all depands on how hard it's raining.

We are never afraid to call NKDC.

g said...

The forecast has changed. Chance of rain seems to be minimal.

All I want to do is...

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we can meet in the middle and ride to the lc, followed by a hydrated ride.

g said...

This is sounding better all the time.

The Big Frame said...

Mark, do you mean meet in the middle figuratively? or meet in the middle literally as in half way between the klubhaus and the usual place? I'm confused....where are we meeting? WTF is going on?!!

Anonymous said...

Meet at Chris', get beer, drink it, ride around, go to klubhaus, drink more beer, ride home.

The Big Frame said...

okay. I'll bring my beer bike