pictures from psychocross and the ride home today...

there is a lemans start, bikes are mixed up and moved from where you left them

ian digging his bike out

the benson boys take a more relaxed attitude to the race, we were debating if they may have been down a lap before they even got to their bikes. i think they may have completed two laps with two bananas, two beers and two cigars consumed during their race (i think there is huge upside for future fgbc participation in this event, taking the benson lead)

bill "vampire boy" algeo over the barriers

dallas, a.k.a. jan, making the turn around the toboggan slide

winter arrives, different mindset, different challenges

first ride of winter is always cool

same ride, different view
no wipeouts on the first snow fixie ride, potential is there
Always good to have your camera along, just in case. I'm convinced that riding fixed in winter is better. But riding 48x15 with skinny slicks is not recommended. It's the red Raleigh for the foreseeable future.
what's the skinny on the race? we rolled back into town early this am...looks like we'll need snow chains for this Sunday....
yeah winterpeg. how bout a ski after sunday's cross championships.
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