Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday Anticipation: Special Kick-Ass Edition

Giddy up, boys and girls. The next few weeks are going to be awesome. Very awesome. We have two cyclocross races to put on in the next 15 days. First up, of course, is DarkCross. Yes, there has been a lot of talk about this one. An event this big can't be described adequately without spilling a few gallons of ink. But lest you think everything has already been said, you should know that we still have a few surprises up our sleeve. You'll have to show up on Saturday to find out what they are.

For now, just enjoy another look at the Sweetest CX Poster in the World.

Then surf on over to the DX website to see what else the CycleChick and her gang have come up with.

With all the talk about DarkCross, it would be easy to forget about MennoCross. But that would be an unforgivable oversight. Because MennoCross is awesome in its own way. As far as the course goes, once again it will be as much a roller coaster ride as as we can make it. But we have a few new features to throw in, just to change things up and keep it interesting. Plus a new location for the start/finish line. Yes, the bunker and stone pit will be back again. And we will stick with the plan of alternating the direction in which the stone pit is ridden from one year to the next. This year it's clockwise. In case you haven't ridden it both ways, it's the harder, more sluggish of the two. That's because you get to ride the deeper, smaller stones last, after you've already lost all the momentum you carried into the stone pit.

Also new for this year is free childcare. So bring the kids, watch them race, and then let them play on the bouncy castles while you do your own race. The course will pass right by the children's festival, so you can check in to see how they're doing each lap.

But perhaps the most significant defining characteristic of this year's MennoCross will be the food. In good Mennonite fashion, there will be lots of it. Not only will there be faspa during the race. There will also be a barbeque after it's done. One race, two meals. Perfect.

And last but not least, there is also a poster. After all the talk of darkness and the puerile posturing that typically goes along with it, we are happy to serve up a little sunshine.

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