Tuesday, September 06, 2011


There is no poster this week. But we will still ride. The Secretary will make his long anticipated return. Once again, he will attempt to debut his new cx bike. He tried a couple of weeks ago. But it broke down on its maiden voyage. Hopefully the President will be there with tales about his battles with the 11-12 year old set at the Laddie's Loppet this past weekend in Maplelag.

There is lots of cyclocross related stuff to talk about. We might do another DarkCross poster blitz. Bring your staple guns, just in case KK shows up with more posters.

And there will be socks. Lots of socks. Wool ones. Don't forget to bring Matt your money. I'm sure he would not say no if someone offered to buy him a beer as well. He put a lot of work into this. $10 per pair. See the list below if you forgot what you ordered. And if you forgot to place an order, bring money anyway. We have some extras.

9:30 pm at my place.


Kim said...

Will Matt or anyone in "dark" be carrying a box of socks to St. Adolfe this weekend?

mhandsco said...

That could certainly be arranged, Kim.

All who would prefer a St. Adolphe pick-up raise your e-hand.

mhandsco said...

Similarly, all those who ordered and will be attending tonight, or picking up for a neighbour - let me know.

KK said...

See you tonight.

g said...

See you tonight.

Anonymous said...

Tonight as well

Cricket said...

ya what they said

Adam said...

Pickup tonight.
Northern contingent? If so, swing by my place?

mhandsco said...

Cricket! What size?

Brad the Impaler said...

Tonight. Adam your fellow Northerners will be by.

Anonymous said...

I'll be in St. A. E-hand raised. Not sure how long I'll be around, as I work at 5pm, but that should be fine.