Here's some video from stage 14, the first day in the mountains. I'll get the rest up when they're available.
Here is a nice stage-by-stage highlight package of the Giro so far, courtesy of Cycling Fans Anonymous:
Top 20:
1 PELLIZOTTI Franco ITA LIQ 40:26 0:00
2 SELLA Emanuele ITA CSF 40:32 0:06
3 SIMONI Gilberto ITA SDA 40:43 0:17
4 CONTADOR Alberto ESP AST 40:48 0:22
5 RICCO' Riccardo ITA SDV 40:56 0:30
6 RUJANO GUILLEN José VEN GCE 41:15 0:49
7 BRUSEGHIN Marzio ITA LAM 41:30 1:04
8 POZZOVIVO Domenico ITA CSF 42:09 1:43
9 DI LUCA Danilo ITA LPR 42:11 1:45
10 MENCHOV Denis RUS RAB 42:15 1:49
11 VOIGT Jens GER CSC 42:21 1:55
12 VAN DEN BROECK Jurgen BEL SIL 42:24 1:58
13 PETROV Evgeni RUS TCS 42:43 2:17
14 LARSSON Gustav Erik SWE CSC 42:44 2:18
15 NOE' Andrea ITA LIQ 42:44 2:18
16 SZMYD Sylvester POL LAM 43:03 2:37
17 CARDENAS Felix Rafael COL BAR 43:05 2:39
18 NIBALI Vincenzo ITA LIQ 43:06 2:40
19 KLODEN Andreas GER AST 43:06 2:40
20 PEREZ CUAPIO Julio Alberto MEX CSF 43:22 2:56
GC after stage 16:
1 CONTADOR Alberto ESP AST 68:47:31 0:00
2 RICCO' Riccardo ITA SDV 68:48:12 0:41
3 SIMONI Gilberto ITA SDA 68:48:52 1:21
4 BRUSEGHIN Marzio ITA LAM 68:49:31 2:00
5 PELLIZOTTI Franco ITA LIQ 68:49:36 2:05
6 DI LUCA Danilo ITA LPR 68:49:49 2:18
7 MENCHOV Denis RUS RAB 68:50:18 2:47
8 SELLA Emanuele ITA CSF 68:51:56 4:25
9 VAN DEN BROECK Jurgen BEL SIL 68:51:57 4:26
10 POZZOVIVO Domenico ITA CSF 68:52:56 5:25
11 NIBALI Vincenzo ITA LIQ 68:54:33 7:02
12 VALJAVEC Tadej SLO ALM 68:56:15 8:44
13 KLODEN Andreas GER AST 68:56:15 8:44
14 LARSSON Gustav Erik SWE CSC 68:58:20 10:49
15 CARDENAS Felix Rafael COL BAR 68:58:55 11:24
16 BALIANI Fortunato ITA CSF 68:58:56 11:25
17 SAVOLDELLI Paolo ITA LPR 69:01:59 14:28
18 BOSISIO Gabriele ITA LPR 69:02:29 14:58
19 SZMYD Sylvester POL LAM 69:02:49 15:18
20 LEIPHEIMER Levi USA AST 69:04:12 16:41
Today's Results:
A Predator Posing as a House Pet (Andy) 380
Gasoline and Frozen Orange Juice (Paddy) 350
Grande Latte Enema (James) 250
Controlled Destruction (Ian) 235
Listen Up Maggots (Arlene) 225
The Most Beautiful Day of Raymond K. Hessel's Life (Charlene) 190
Grade School Girlfriend (Adam) 155
Stomach Full of Xanax (Laura) 135
I'll Take the Parasites (Chris) 110
Ikea Nesting Instinct (Tomek) 100
Project Mayhem (Donna) 90
Tonight We Make Soap (Rachel) 80
First You Have to Give Up (Craig) 75
B Times C Equals X (Hal) 70
His Name Was Robert Paulson (Bill) 60
I am Jack's Smirking Revenge (Brad) 60
A House Full of Condiments and No Food … How Embarrasing (Darryl) 55
Near Life Experience (LeAnn) 55
Chloe's Libido (Johnny M) 45
Remaining Men Together (David S) 10
You Are Not a Beautiful or Unique Snowflake (Dallas) 10
I'd Fight Gandhi (Matt) 0
Skinny Guys Fight 'Til They're Burger (Jonny B) 0
Chemical Burn (Cam) 0
You Met Me at a Very Strange Time in My Life (Jonny G) 0
Overall Standings:
Listen Up Maggots (Arlene) 2744
A Predator Posing as a House Pet (Andy) 2397
Gasoline and Frozen Orange Juice (Paddy) 2161
Grande Latte Enema (James) 1951
I'd Fight Gandhi (Matt) 1843
Ikea Nesting Instinct (Tomek) 1833
Controlled Destruction (Ian) 1665
Tonight We Make Soap (Rachel) 1659
I'll Take the Parasites (Chris) 1534
You Are Not a Beautiful or Unique Snowflake (Dallas) 1472
Skinny Guys Fight 'Til They're Burger (Jonny B) 1430
Grade School Girlfriend (Adam) 1379
Stomach Full of Xanax (Laura) 1354
I am Jack's Smirking Revenge (Brad) 1268
Chloe's Libido (Johnny M) 1255
The Most Beautiful Day of Raymond K. Hessel's Life (Charlene) 1214
His Name Was Robert Paulson (Bill) 1191
B Times C Equals X (Hal) 1146
Remaining Men Together (David S) 1017
You Met Me at a Very Strange Time in My Life (Jonny G) 831
Project Mayhem (Donna) 699
First You Have to Give Up (Craig) 690
A House Full of Condiments and No Food … How Embarrasing (Darryl) 682
Near Life Experience (LeAnn) 655
Chemical Burn (Cam) 523
OTT: The Hold Steady, Party Pit
Sweet!!! Thanks Chris!
Fuck it heres my new team..........
Paddy, Cris, Hal, Lindsay, me, Colin, my unborn child Anakin, Morgan and Ian (if he grows a stash).
I think this team will perform well considering my golden boys got me 10 points and there wage is in the hundreds of thousand euros a year and you kids will race for beer.
Dallas "everyday I disappoint myself.' Sigurdur
sorry Dallas, I think I'm off beer until I move back to MB...which is most like never.
unless someone wants to bring me some 1/2 pints....
...hey did Swan River happen....I thought(briefly) of driving east, but the 11 hr drive and Naomi saying "not likely" kept me in Ab
...I meant "us" not "me"...ooops!
You are welcome, Paddy. But next time I'm giving you my A team and keeping the B team for myself.
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