Wednesday, May 02, 2012

TNR Report

Ryan showed up! First time in over a year. We could hardly believe our eyes.

KK suggested we head to the Exchange to do some spirally climbing. So we did. But before we got there, KK came crashing down courtesy of some wet wood and screwed up his chain guide. This left him unable to climb the spiral. But the rest of us made it to the top.

JP introduced us to a new parking garage nearby. And then he took off for home as the rest of us headed to the klubhaus. On the way, we passed by a rather ominous looking scene on Assiniboine Ave. 10 police cars and a very still body underneath a white sheet being loaded into an ambulance. They did not seem in a hurry.

At the klubhaus, there was a problem with the Darkness. Specifically the line to the tap was even more screwed than KK's chain guide. Fortunately, they had bottles.

Cousin Adam gave us a run-down of what to expect on Saturday. But the more interesting conversation involved a vigorous debate about the relative merits of Scrapper and Bulldog. It seems the klub is divided on that one. Adam also reminded us to RSVP. So if you are planning to be there, make sure to let him know.

Jonny G explained to us why the Little 250 is a bad idea. And Lyle followed up with an account of why a Little 1000 is even worse. He also reported that Adam's race will also be referred to as the Little One.

KK won the story contest. But only because Cousin Thomas was not there to claim his prize.

We talked about Darkness in the Morning and how early it is. The late, great Warren Zevon put it nicely:

Darkness in the morning
Shadows on the land
Certain individuals
Aren't sticking with the plan

Sticking with plans is hard. Maybe even harder than math and waiting. But we will give it our best shot. We will do it for Warren, if nothing else. So we will ride again tomorrow morning. 6:20 am departure from the Death Star or 6:30 at the Duck Pond. Don't be late. Unless you like riding alone.

We also spent some time talking about riding plans for the Spring Ride. It looks like we'll explore the Blue Highway on Friday with the usual Ingolf ride on Saturday. It will be awesome.

The tunes were off. Way off. Eddie was strangely silent. A night at the klubhaus without a raucous air guitar solo from Eddie is a wasted opportunity.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I've ordered two 19s, one of each. If we don't do them justice, we may have to hold a recoveryfest on Sunday.