A fine ride. The jonnys and Tenacious V showed up later... because Unger had joined them, only to have his wheel explode (not just the tube, apparently) half the way to my place. Sick.
Anyway, the greatest concern was the river crossing, so we tackled that first, and I am pleased to report that we have a fine location, so our route now becomes a loop. We quickly realized that we'd need to go in reverse of our exploration because it will be easier to go down a steep bank than up... see the picture below, from our return trip.

Our path will meander through Kildonan Park... including the creek from the duck pond to the witch's hut. Nice. We checked into the golf course area, see pic below, but the single track was too single... ie. infuriatingly narrow and soft. So we took a pit stop under the old train track.

Great day for riding except the wind which nearly knocked us off the trails for a short time. Turns out the Sals close to our place is awesome. Triple cheese nips almost all 'round.

It's going to be a nice loop. You don't really want to miss this. Granted, it won't be the same without Dr. H's snotcicle. (See the poster in the post prior to this one.)
EDIT later: I've tried to make a route with an online tool. Try this:
24hrs of Coen Route)
Right on. Sounds like a sweet course. How about a google map of the course for those of us who have to participate vicariously?
That route looks nice and warm.
I hope so. How long was last year's loop? 6 k's seems a bit short on paper.
I was going to say something about that. Last year's laps were around 14 km. I was shooting for laps to be around 45 minutes on average. That's about what they were during the day--aside from the specially themed laps. They got closer to an hour in the dark.
What about heading south on Kildonan Drive to Bronx park where Dana Starkel's monument is, cross the river there and head north on Scotia to the park and then do the rest of the proposed course? Not ideal, but both very quiet streets. Or we could head to Fraser's Grove do some paths in there, then go back north to the crossing point?
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