Thursday, January 22, 2009

There He Goes Again

Is Gianni stalking this guy? Or is he stalking Gianni? Either way, it's kind of spooky. He's everywhere. Or is it even the same guy? A mystery.

Also seen at The Next Winnipeg. FGBC'ers are encouraged to participate in this new collective venture that dares to imagine a better future for our fine city. Or rather, I suppose it is an attempt to show that the next Winnipeg is already here, if only we could cultivate some new ways of seeing that are capable of recognizing it. Or is Mayor Katz still looking for help with that attempt to come up with a new slogan to replace the old "One Great City" signs? Either way, it's coming. Do your part by sending an email (with images or words) here. That blue bike looks really familiar.

Speaking of the next Winnipeg, Hollywood has been trying to conjure it for years:

Surely we can do better.


juan eppstein said...

Maybe it's one of my kids.

g said...

right on.