just a quick update on the tuesday night ride. beautiful evening. paddy, jonny g, and myself enjoyed a fine ride. cycled through assiniboine park and scouted some fine race courses, contemplated the toboggan slide and thought better of it (paddy suggested a hill climb up the slide some night with a studded tire on the back - we agreed an ambulance in waiting would be a good idea). off to the forest then back to the park.

we headed off to bruce park to see if creek was navigable (not yet) and then to the f-n-h. had one spill while i was trying to take a picture while riding through bruce park; too much front locked the wheel and down i went. the camera skidded across the snow and seemed to be alright and i snapped this pic of jon and paddy (you can see them through the fog).

like the idea of mr. dr's race. either 12 or 24 hour, as long as its 12 or 24 hours + 1 lap.
um . . . is it just me, or does that picture need to be rotated left?
24 hours + 1 lap, of course. it is nordic-cross, after all. there will be a barrier or two as well. think they'd let us use the belgian club as a base during the race?
you're right, it should be rotated to the left. tried several times and it came up the this way every time. so, i'm saying i took this picture after the wipe out, lying on my side. that's my story and i'm sticking with it.
#23,271 to #3,122. Just like that.
I'll buy the book as well under one condition...a personal explanation of the word "Identy".
sharp eyes, my friend. but speak to the folks at amazon.ca. I believe the mistake is theirs. maybe you can call your friend Morley at the Free Press and ask to write a review.
if you prefer, as you should, to support your LBS (local book shop), you can pick up a copy at McNally Robinson.
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