Noticed this monument in the Exchange while doing a little bike tour of downtown with some friends who were visiting from the US of A this weekend. It's on the east side of Cinematheque. The sign reads:
This bike is here in Memory of ourI believe all the FGBC Daves have been accounted for. Anyone know anything about this? There's no ghostbike tradition here that I'm aware of. Maybe this is the start of one.
Dearest friend Dave, Who passed away
this monday july 9th 2007. please respect
what this means for our comunity who love
him dearly. Thank you.
Hal and I are staffing the cx booth at the Belgian Pavilion tonight: 6:30 to 10:00 pm. Would be a good day for other FGBCers to get their Folklorama fix in.
OTT: Joan as Police Woman, Flushed Chest
Dave Brophy... he was a local activist who recently took his life. I noticed the bike while riding by the other day, but didn't stop to pay attention. thanks for doing so.
I'm going to see what I can do to make it out to the Beglian club tonight. hopefully see you kids there!
Thanks Jonny. Sounds like we lost one of the good guys.
Hope to see you tonight.
a small bio on dave brophy for those who have interest
Occasionally interacted with Dave at work
dave took his own life which is especially tragic becuse he gave much to others and many in the community cared very deeply about him.
he was an avid cyclist and it was decided by friends of his that this would be a fitting way of honouring his memory even though he did not die in a cycling accident, or at the "hands" of motorist.
i did not know dave personally but had asked a friend who did.
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