Wednesday, November 09, 2011

TNR Report

As for the ride, it was a short one. But not so short that it was without incident. The Hipster went down on some black ice upon our arrival at the klubhaus, thereby kicking of the winter crashing season. He almost went down on the way home too, but somehow managed to keep the rubber side down.

The shortness of the ride was inversely proportional to the length of the meeting. Which was just fine, since we had plenty of business to discuss:

The Hipster provided a second report on the Wool Jersey Project. He has been doing some research and offered us a brief lecture on the difference between a wool sweater posing as a jersey and an actual wool cycling jersey. When it came to the vote, the verdict was decisive: will be getting a wool jersey. It will be old school. It will be (more or less) local. And, yes, it will be awesome.

The BF also filled us in on his new venture, which he is calling Project Pit Boot. Some other custom Dark Wear options were considered as well. But those must remain top secret for the moment. The VP Style tells us that fashion world is a cut-throat one and we are not terribly interested in having our collective jugular sliced open.

We also sketched out a plan for the upcoming Nordic Cross season. The most significant change this year is that all races will be on Tuesday nights. It is just easier that way. Sometimes we may have to start a little earlier than 9:30 pm, such as Gluttons Cross. But otherwise, the race will take place in lieu of the regular weekly ride.

Needless to say, the recently completed cx season received its fair share of attention. As did some big projects we have in store for next year. 2011 was awesome, but we have every intention of doing our best to make 2012 even better. And speaking of 2012, the Secretary promised he would have a DarkCross movie for us before the calendar turns over to the new year.

We were happy to hear a report that disconfirmed our fear that Ryan was dead. Neither is the President dead. He was seen earlier in the day. But there was no word on Cousin Adam.

The Dark was off but the tunes were on fire.

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