Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Et Tu, Under Armour?

While you wait for the minutes from last night's ride and meeting, why not enjoy this attempt by Under Armour to see how many messenger and urban cycling clichés they can squeeze into a two minute ad spot?

Throaty Mexican death metal. Check.
NYC backdrop. Check.
Corners? Skid 'em, don't ride 'em. Check.
Black and white stars handlebar grips. Check.
No handed, I'm flying pose. Check.
I'm so invincible, watch me ride against traffic. Check.
Grab car, hitch ride. Check.
Backward Circles. Check.

And much, much more. If you view it as parody, it's not bad. I don't think it's intended as parody.

1 comment:

Brad the Impaler said...
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