Thursday, May 20, 2010

Go Big or Go Home

We have always admired the Honorary Captain's desire to bring it. That is what makes him one of us. If you're going to throw stones, our mothers always told us, make sure you aim at big targets.


mhandsco said...

My mother didn't mention anything about stones. She did say something about lying though...

What a complicated and fascinating individual.

Isn't celebrity weird? May we all be spared it...

mhandsco said...

Sorry... wierd.

The Dark Lord said...

I'm pretty sure we will all be spared.

Anonymous said...

I swear to god I was wearing my landis shirt today. I put it on this morning and was biking to work with a big smile and my sweet new shirt. Now I found out this and think " Shitty, i gave that guy cash money."

dallas " bummed " sigurdur

Duece said...

Sucks. Although it was painfully obvious(to some more than others, evidently) that he was guilty as sin all along.

Or was he...? Could it be that this is just a spiteful, last chance grab for publicity and a way to drag down the reputation of all the great,innocent American riders still racing?

somehow I don't think that's what this is about. Sadly, I think he's just the tip of the American doping iceberg.

The Dark Lord said...

You are out of your element Ricco.

Brad the Impaler said...


Floyd was over the line.

Am I the only one who cares about the %&*#@ rules?!

The Dark Lord said...

Let us try to make a few things clear. There are a number of reasons why the Honorary Captain was appointed to his post:

1) His home-boy Mennonite roots.
2) His appreciation for the Big Lebowski.
3) His general bat-shit craziness.

None of that has changed, as far as we can tell. If anything, some of it is confirmed.

Our position on the HC was established a long time ago. It did not change when he faltered on Stage 16. And it has not changed today. And even if it were to change, it's not clear why that should matter. Some pious souls may feel the need to change their loyalties when it becomes clear that things are not as they may have seemed. That is not the way we roll here at the FGBC. Besides, it's too tiresome.

We are exactly what we are.

Anonymous said...

true stage 17 was awesome at it's most awesome but still, Is he going to give me back my money?

He's entertaining but I am a little bent out of shape when you ask someone for money knowing that it's a pr scam..

Dallas " Lance had better go down one of these days." Sigurdur

The Dark Lord said...

We didn't send any money. We express our loyalty with honorary posts, not cash.

mhandsco said...

Let's invite him to the Spring Ride.

I'll do it.

mhandsco said...

My first tweet goes out to @floydlandis

The Dark Lord said...

That is a good idea. We could probably help him get things straightened out. Just look at what we did for Unger.