Some people love to ride their bikes. Others, apparently, just love their bikes. They aren't so keen on getting them dirty. Perhaps they do not have access to water. Last night's ride along some muddy riverbank trails gave us an opportunity to determine who among us belongs to which crowd. We will be charitable, though, and refrain from naming names. We will not, however, refrain from declaring this turn of events more than a little disconcerting.
After the mud, we hit some alleys, tunnels, and parking garages, before racing back to the kulbhaus. The President showed up to take care of some presidential business. He has officially closed the book on The Book for this year. And Tom K showed up for the first time in 4 months. Yes, we keep track.
To say we got everything figured out for the Spring Ride would be an overstatement. But a few things are clear:
1) We will meet at my place at 9am or Deacons Corner at 10am for the North End crew. Breakfast at A & W will be as tasty as ever.
2) It appears there are enough vehicles. If you still need a ride, see the comment button below.
3) Friday's ride will be at Falcon. Hopefully this will make it relatively easy to hook up with the folks who will be trickling in throughout the day.
4) Sadly, the weather forecast looks less than ideal. Happily, we have shelter. Everything will be just fine.
5) Anything else? Again, see the comments button.
Token photos:

In some respect the closing of The Book could be considered the fiscal year end for the FGBC, which occured May 11, 2010. To that end the spring ride IS the AGM. I expect that there will most likely be not be any reports tabled by any of the respective departments, such reports are documented weekly anyway.
I will simply state 234 beers will be going to INGOLF, compliments of the Klubhaus.
Is the secretary still potentially planning to obtain equipment for a lebowski showing? if so someone should bring it
Craig - you still in for a lift Friday AM at Chris'?
Vic - I might be able to squeeze you in too. No problem if someone else can take your bike.
I will bring an extra cooler to keep some of those 234 beers cold.
all I'm hopeing is that some kind person will come pick me up at my place, some time friday morning. So whoever that ends up being is more than ok with me.
i have room for one and will be leaving friday morning. i plan on heading back to winnipeg staurday evening so i can help al dixon with support on the air force run - so that may effect your decision on catching a ride. juan e has expressed interest as has the cricket, please let me know if anyone would like the spot
great pics from the TNR.
It looks like Craig's about to hurl.
i will be at dr's fri am and returning saturday eve. i have load's of space in my car.
perhap's, halberto, we could combine forces and give the planet a big ride share hug.
sound like a plan dave. i think vic might also be looking for a ride, let's see who else asks and we can coordinate later this evening. it does make sense for the two of us to share since we are on the same time frame
Someone will pick you up Craig. We will figure that out in the morning. Just be ready.
i'll be ready
When did you become a photographer? David Lipnowski, look out.
I am heading out to the far north to catch a ride with the secretary and the president. We are planning to leave the afore mentioned north at around 10 am. So do not wait for us at Deacons corner. Unless of course you are late, then wait. People know our cell #'s if verbal contact is desired. Yipee gai aye (spelling be dammed) this is going to be fun. Who cares about a little rain?
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