De Cross Gaat Door. It means Cross Continues. Which is a fitting theme for this week, as we resume the season after a break for Thanksgiving.
Tatyana Storm is apparently Belgium's answer to Taylor Swift. That a twangy video like this even exists (it's really just an extended ad for the Superprestige series) provides further confirmation that cyclocross is the NASCAR of cycling. So it is fitting that this week we find ourselves heading south, first to St Malo and then even further south to Altona gor Southern Cross. Follow the links if you want details such as race times, prizing, etc.

Two races in two days is already exciting enough. But perhaps even more exciting is news that they will be tied together by a social gathering at the Krahn Barn on Saturday evening. Head to Altona after the St Malo race. Help Johnny and the ABES finish setting up the course. For supper, you could do much worse than the Indian Buffet at the South Forty. Good Indian food in Altona may sound like an oxymoron. It's not. And then head to Neubergthal for good times at the Krahn Barn. We are told that you can stay the night there too, if you don't have other accomodations. Send Johnny an email if you need to know more. If you don't have his email address, send one to us and we will redirect you.
1 comment:
I'm looking for a ride out on saturday. I plan on staying for night somewhere- anyone with similar plans?
JP -
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