(via Dave Benson)
It is all Jonny G's fault. Bill did his part by partying hard with the Woodcock crew at their team windup on Saturday night. So hard, in fact, that the dynamic duo of Olli and Don did not report for duty at the start line on Sunday. Mission accomplished. But Jonny G failed to execute the second part of the plan--namely an FGBC sweep of the podium in the men's A race. The Cricket and I clawed our way onto the bottom two steps. We left the top one for Jonny. Apparently, he is afraid of heights.
The Cricket felt the win was his for the taking. He had a decent lead with two laps to go. But the clay build-up on his cleats left him unable to push as hard as he'd have liked. He was angry at the finish line. Very angry. Like carpet F-bombing angry. It was actually kind of nice to see.

At the end of the day, Paul had more hops.

In the kids race, the J-Train demonstrated his superior remount form.

(via KK)
The kid's form is smoother than most of the A field. Perhaps we should have him lead a clinic on Tuesday night.
The other kids made us all proud too. They rode a short course, but it was all up and down.
B-Rad took the hole shot in the B race. Things went downhill from there. There are rumours of a broken hand. We really hope those rumours turn out to be unfounded.
With Cam's broken hand last week and Gary's broken nose today, things are getting rough out there. Be careful boys and girls.
Jonny G and I spent a good part of the B race at the
The Mennonite Lady kept us entertained with several near misses:
Notice how she's also laying a beat down on Artur. Of course, she won again. But that's hardly news by now.
Cousin Adam just straight up attacked it. He had a good race. Third?
The emergency preparedness award goes to Marc (aka Auckland's Dad). He knows that the river can rise suddenly. After this past spring and summer, we are well aware that it can happen at any time. Had it happened again today, Marc would have been prepared.
Finally, we are saddened to report that our goal of sweeping the Ridley frame draw prizes did not come to fruition. The Fraggle did her part though. She walked away with a sweet new frameset. Dallas and Morgan each got one too.
Big thanks to Gary and Co. for a sweet race and prizing with which we shall not attempt to compete. We hope your nose is okay. Obviously your new bike is still too heavy.
Lots more A race photos over at Dave Benson's gallery. Stefan Isfeld has a gallery too. Good stuff. My favourite is this one of Gianni the Grass Track Czar running through the mud:

Yup, third. I need to work on my sprinting. And my sitting in.
Any word yet from Brad?
I had a relaxing evening lounging around the ER at Concordia waiting for X rays. The word is 'soft tissue injury'. Apparently a loud crack when you bend your fingers waaaay back doesn't necessarily mean a break. I should be punching kittens again by the weekend. Very good news.
Good synopsis. You guys were looking great out there. And young J's remount is inspiring to all of us aspiring racers.
Glad to hear that Brad! We will dress up as kittens on Saturday and wait for you to punch us.
I've noticed that Paul "hopped" the barriers a number of times- does that disqualify him as we were instructed that we could not hop them. So then Craig would actually win by default- no?
mike- (the pain is real) giesbrecht
just looking to stir up some s*#!*
Hopping the barriers was indeed against the race rules. I was informed after the race that I was given the win. Not exactly how I wanted to do it but, I'll take it.
Paul asked a few of us before the race if we minded if he hopped the barriers. If we didn't want him to he said he wouldn't. I said I didn't really care. He knew it was against the race rules and I would assume is fine with the results.
That guys got amazing bike handling skills. Good thing for hacks like me, hopping barriers is against the rules!
good news about your hand Brad. I'm sure baby bunnies everywhere are running for their holes as well.
My daughter is dressing up as a kitten for Halloween so I guess I will at the race Saturday,. That way Brad gets to kicks my ass again and my daughter is happy with me copying her.
Glad to hear your okay Brad. I was a little worried.
Dallas " Paul was damn impressive and had the ride of the day in my books." Sigurdur
If anyone offers you a lighter bike don’t take it! You might be tempted to toss it up to your shoulder at every opportunity. You might want to balance it on said shoulder with just the lightest touch of your right hand. You might be tempted to imagine yourself sprinting through the mud pit like a gazelle thinking s#%t I must look pro as you and your light bike rocket past scores of others. You might be tempted to think Sven is sucking in my FGBC CX pool, I’ll show him how it’s done… and your day may go from Stybar to FUBAR in an instant as the saddle from said bike slams into an overhead trunk, the rigid carbon fibre frame so effective at transmitting every single Newton of force into forward propulsion just as efficiently converts every bit into radial motion as said bike so wonderfully balanced on your shoulder now rotates so perfectly freely and effectively that handlebar and stem greet your nose faster than you can exclaim s#%t. But don’t worry there will be plenty exclaiming of s#%t as nine other riders pass you and you clear the cobwebs away and the water from your eyes and the blood. Bike is great. I’m sure I would have won handily otherwise, maybe even lapped everyone, but don’t do it :)
Glad to hear Brad didn’t break his hand. FGBC/RRRers Brad, Kevin, and Hal really helped me out. It’s a great party that I love putting on. I hope everyone had a great time.
Can't wait for Harbourview!
Too much drama!
Sorry Gary I forgot to ask how the busted up nose was doing? Are you okay? That was some pretty sweet bad ass blood on your face .
Dallas " I love the CBC 990 and NPR." Sigurdur
Oh and don't forget to vote Wednesday people. capitalist vs socialist.
"Too much drama!" Just laughing at myself. Can I do any more stupid things this year?
Ian smacked his chin pretty hard doing the same thing. Noses and chins heal, teeth don't. I'm just glad that didn't happen to anyone.
Nose will be fine. Brad's hand probably hurts more.
BTW results will be up Tuesday evening.
I wasn't referring to your nose story. That's not drama. That's comedy of the highest order.
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