The Tour of Altona is just around the corner. Sounds like there's a possibility of a 5th stage being added--namely a social gathering on Saturday night. Maybe at Jonny S's place. Stay tuned. The race roster is taking shape too. Looks like the Altona crew will be out in full force.
Jonny S.
David S.
Haiku Jeff
Paul B.
Paul K.
Curt (dude from last year)
Curt (friend of Curt)
Margarite K (and maybe their two girls)
Dave U. (not the coach of the FGBC)
the Duke
From Wpg, it looks like the following will be participating:
Jonny G
Mrs. Dr.
Jonny N (maybe)
Alberto (maybe)
Juan Eppstein (maybe)
That's it? Can't we do any better than that? Low turnout at the F&H last night, so some have not spoken up. If you are planning to come, please drop a comment. El Presidente needs to know how many rink dogs to have ready.
Mr. Dr. will not be racing. Fixie foot still F'd. I will be throwing snowballs and ringing cowbells instead.
OTT: The Replacements, I'll Be You
Say it ain't so Mr. Dr.!
Not even the knockdown? What if we allow you to tape your gimpy foot to the pedal?
At Least you've got the game (and virtually unlimited rink dogs) to look forward to...
i heart fun
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