Meet at the Forks. Espresso Junction seems to have become the meeting place of choice. Or perhaps you can gather by the little skating pad outside if it's closed. Plan a course that is not too long, but not too short. The usual harra-curry course might work well, but change it up if you like. Determine how many laps you will race for.
You must consume the entire carton of egg nog before your race is over. Exactly how you do so is up to you--as long as it goes in through your mouth and stays in your body until the race is over. You may drink the whole thing before you get on your bike if you like. Or you may drink some between laps, yerba cross style. Or you may chug it all at the very end, a la the Burger Cat finish line pint. You might even pour it into a camel back and sip a little bit at a time while you ride, although I wouldn't recommend it.
Can your tummy handle that, Ian? If not, then whatever you can negotiate with Brad as an alternative is fine with me. Just as long as he understands that he's still drinking 2 litres of egg nog.
Have fun boys. Wish I could join you. Except that I hate egg nog.
So it's a two man race? Ian, this is Nordic Cross after all. I'm sure we can agree on something. The race venue can be my place if that's agreeable to all. We could put together a pretty nice 5 or 6 km course right from my house.
I'm sure we can badger a few more into showing up... Halberto? Poosher? Gary? Bueller? Bueller?Hello?
Where does one find the Impaler's lair?
Is the 24H course ready to be tested?
And... just throwin' it out there... if it's a going to be a smaller event, is there any interest in making it an afternoon ride (I mean race)? e.g. 4 p.m.?
Name your time. It all works for me. Riding in daylight would be novel.
How 'bout all the rest of you slackers? Fess up - you all had an extra helping of stuffing, didn't you? Redeem yourselves!
How about 3:00? That way we'll be done before dark. Now, about your beverage...
3 p.m. it is.
Warm Coke?
Sure. Penalties may have to be negotiated for the relative difficulty of coke vs eggnog guzzling.
Well, I'm open to suggestions for other beverages. I was trying to think of something that has an equal degree of difficulty. Is dairyfat as difficult as carbonation? ...?
Make sure one of you has a camera. We expect a full report with photos.
Everybody else had better be able to prove they were out of town or you two should get two-minute head starts for the remainder of the series.
um.. i'm going to try to make it.
I think it probably equals out. Coke it is. Or Coke is it, as the old slogan said.
I'm liking the two minute head start for the rest of the series. I need all the help I can get.
Just got back in town. Sounds "splendid". I'll try to make it.....
mike g.
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